chapter 21: spy in disguise

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Flynn's pov:

He raises his weak fist to try punch me when all of a sudden we hear a female scream. It wasn't a scared or funny kind of scream, it was a scared and worried kind of scream. The noise came from the pier and my thoughts immediately go to one person. Whilst in sync, Vincent and I both turn our attention towards the rustic wooden pier.

The scene that was in front of me made me want to claw my eyes out with a dagger..

I saw her, Tash.

A random Brazilian man dressed in all black strangled her from behind. Many other bystanders witnessed this too, and some even pulled out there phones to record. Cowards. Her piece of shit brother and I obviously immediately scurried to her rescue, but by the time we reached her she already had the man in a chokehold.

That's my girl.

I watched in awe, I was practically beaming at her. When we got there all I could hear her say was "Pela última vez, para quem diabos você trabalha?" in Portuguese. (For the last time, who the hell do you work for?) By the looks of him he wasn't just a random hit and run, he was definitely part of a gang or mafia. As I assess the situation, my eyes wander towards the back of the man's neck.

It had a dragon tattoo.

Only one type of mafia had the dragon tattoo, the Brazilians. Fuck, they couldn't have found us already? Could they? We did our best to hide our flight number but I guess someone breached our security. I make a mental note to myself to mention this occurrence to Seb when we are in another meeting together. I slowly begin to trace back into my memories, I remember seeing a dragon tattoo recently. I could even feel it right under my nose.

I had a sudden voltage of electricity burst through my veins, then it hit me, her biological brothers.

When I had previously visited Nat, her brother's had a small but noticeable dragon tattoo over the back of their necks. I dismissed this as I thought that there was NO way in hell that they would be in the Brazilian mafia. It would be completely crazy, I didn't want to disturb Nat any further with this superstitious shit as she is still on edge from the whole Brazil idea in the first place.

I also didn't want to weight her shoulders down anymore.

But what proves my theory right even more is when Vincent says "Decepcioná-la!" (Let her down!) in a commanding voice. As being a bilingual speaker, I know numerous languages, Portuguese being one of them. I didn't inform Nat's biological brothers of this because I wanted to know what they would say about her behind her back.

It was quite a useful skill to posses, especially in times like this.

But what shocked me to my core was when the supposed kidnapper looked up at Vincent and said "Não- Vincent? Desculpe, chefe, pensei que você queria-" (No- Vincent? Sorry, boss I thought that you wanted-) After hearing this, Vincent immediately yells in Portuguese "Não se atreva a dizer mais nada! Falaremos sobre isso em meu escritório." (Don't you dare say another word! We will speak about this in my office.)

What the actual fuck?

Nat and I share a worried glance with one another. I also knew that we were thinking the same thing but she dismissed it quicker than I did. I also know about my conspiracy theory whilst she doesn't, for now at least. I have a bad, BAD feeling about this. A true, random kidnapper wouldn't call a victim's brother 'boss'. Not to mention why did he want to speak with him in his office?

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