chapter 32: double trouble

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Natasha's pov:

Everyone's eyes are on me and some are point whilst others try their best to avoid eye contact with me. I wasn't really that scary, was I? My eyes flicks towards the footballers again. Except this time, they were all staring at me blankly. Xander and Xavier's faces were mad and I mean mad. But I weirdly sensed a little pride coming out of them.

Were they proud of me?

I push that impossible thought to the side as I watch Flynn come up to me concerningly. He knew. He rushes his hand behind my back and we hurriedly make our way to the front entrance of the school without saying a single word to eachother. Flynn brings me outside the building but inside the school premises.

What have I just done?

We stop walking and we face one another. He gives me a meaningful hug and asks "Are you hurt?" I shake my head negatively but I bite my fingers. I need to stop doing that. "Show me where." Flynn demands. "What do you mean?" I ask confused. "Where did she scrape you, I saw the video. I know she did." He clarifies.

I roll up my sleeves and Flynn looks down to my scratched arms.

He rubs his thumb over the scratches and looks through his blazer pockets. He brings out a packet of bandages and gauze tape. "No bandages! I'm not a little kid anymore." I complain. "In my eyes you always are." Flynn confesses with a little smile whilst wrapping my arm in gauze after bandaging some bloody cuts.

"Why do you always got to get into a scrap?" Flynn lectures.

"She disrespected me! Plus, she was so jealous that I was talking to the twins that she threatened my social status." I gossip to Flynn. It felt like we were twelve again. He burst out laughing at my complaint which only makes me chuckle more.  I mock that girl's bitchy, whiny voice "Hey! I want to be popular!"

Flynn slaps his knee and I could even see tears form in his eyes from my excellent impression.

Flynn and I stay laughing for a good few minutes before we spot people outside watching us. Can I not get a break in this school? I realise that I'm still wearing Nico's hoodie and that's why people have been following me. Flynn understands at the same time as I do and he says "We need to get to a bathroom."

"The bathroom why?" I question.

"There's no time to explain." He adds whilst his hand on my back. We scurry past everyone in the halls and we look for the nearest bathroom to us. We stop outside and Flynn sighs. I look up to see that it's the male bathrooms. "Shit." He murmurs. Since Flynn and I are new to the school, we don't know where any of the facilities are.

Nico did show me around but let's be real, I wasn't paying attention to that.

"It's fine." I assure him and we walk into the room. My nostrils are hit with the horrible smell of the boys toilets. Disgusting. I try my best not to gag as Flynn shouts "ALRIGHT! EVERYONE OUT NOW!" Most of the men in there look at us weirdly but not before recognising me from that stupid video.

How did everyone see it already?

Some of the men that were using the urinals just left without washing their hands. DISGUSTING. Flynn checks the cubicles but there aren't any available. He brings me towards a corner and I take off the hoodie. He holds my stuff whilst I change into my uniforms and looks away respectfully.

He's a man, not a boy.

He hands me my clothes one by one and in a few minutes I have my uniform fully on. I stand on my tippy toes to tap his back so he can turn around. "All good?" He asks me. "Yeah, all good." I answer. I remember that I found out about my biological family's secret yesterday and now I can tell Flynn.

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