Chapter 13

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Next update will take 2-3 days maybe and if at night I will get time I will write it..

Kripa's POV

Wearing an skin fitted black tank top, a black leather jacket, back jeans and black shoes. I am all set to go. Wearing my helmet I ride my royals enfield and drive towards Yash as he just called me to say he has left home.

I have informed Bhai that I am going to meet Yash and if parents have objection then handle it for me.

Pranali di for sure teased me, that I am going on a date, do make up and all but I shooed her away ☺️

She teases me alot but...I love her. I am not expressive one, when it comes to showing love, with my actions you can understand them but even then I try not make it obvious.

I stop at the signal and I saw a boy ogling at me from top to bottom in car. He looks at my long legs and his gaze stop at my hips.

I look in front and then I whistle at him to make him look at me "Oye"

I rise up the eye cover of the helmet. He looks into my eyes. I make him look in front looking sharply into his eyes.

He gulps and looks in front.

Then I again call him "Aur sun (And listen)"

"Tharakpan sambhala nhi jaata toh ghar pe reh. Samjha ! (if you cannot your lust then stay at home. Understood)" I said with angry and dominant voice.

I slide the eye cover down and drive when the red light turned green.

I am alert if the guy is following me or not. One thing make sure that if you say someone anything just make sure if he or she is following because sometimes when ego gets deeply hurt they tend to take revenge, so call the police. And if you feel someone is gazing you constantly and making you uncomfortable then dial the call and later on you can say sorry to the person but being safe is better than getting into trouble.

And for now, this car guy isn't following me.

I reach zudio and saw Yash leaning on his bike, arms folded looking somewhere moving his head left to right.

He is looking very good in this avatar. Dashing avatar. He stand straight and lip sync a song, he starts moving his body there itself.

I smile shooking my head. He is such a jolly person.

I park my bike in front of him. I remove my helmet and he immediately stops and stand back leaning on bike the way he was.

I press my lips together so that I don't giggle and embarrass him.

I shake my head and tuck my hairs behind my ear and look at after I stand straight with helmet beneath my arm.

He is looking at me with open mouth.

I look around and then back at him "Hi !"

He blinks his eyes and said "H-Hi, looking"

"Cool right?"

He shooks his head

I frown "then?"

"You are looking like your self. I mean, this avatar is showing how you are, it fits you, your personality" He said and then smiled.

I just sucked in some air and let it out as a small laugh as looked down, tucking my hairs behind. I know this is not flirting but, the way he has said about me, is making me feel good.

I smile at him "Thank you, no one really said this to me before"

He licks his lips and then grins, bowing down "just being truthful"

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