Chapter 58

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Intense Love Chapter 🔥🔥

Yash's POV

I am sleeping with Kripa in my arm's but a ringtone disturbed my sleep.

Picking my phone up, I peeked who is calling and it's Gaurav.

I cut his call and carefully move out from the bed not to disturb Kripa.


"Yaar Yash, The company head is saying we have a big project in hand and tomorrow any how we have to complete it as the investors will be there to see it"

I look at the time "it's 4 AM Gaurav. At this time?"

"It's a mass project we have to start it now. Everyone is reaching office and you have to be there, is what the head said"

I rub my forehead "Hmm Fine, Will be there in half an hour but I hope he is calling female employees at a safer time"

"Yeah yeah, they will be at office by 7:30-8 but will work from home by that time"

"Hmm okay. I will be there"

I quickly take a bath and change in my clothes. I saw Kripa waking up and with slightly open eyes she looks at me "Office?"

"Yeah, Have to do a project and present it tomorrow, won't be home tonight" I kiss her forehead "Practice well Okay"


I was about to leave but she got up "Wait"

"You need something?"

She hugs me tightly "All the best and make me proud ! also have food on time"

I hug her back "Yes Mam, I will" Kissing her cheek I left.


It's 12PM and we all are working continuously. Few are approaching me with doubts and I am approaching to the head with my doubts.

Everyone is damn hungry but this deal will be so profitable for us. I work with Gaurav and we make the project.

The time skipped and it's 3PM and now we all are taking a break. I take a deep breath and after having lunch together I excuse myself to call Kripa.

She isn't picking up the call so I message her or you can say reply to her message which is.

K - Have your food, don't stress out. Maybe I won't be able to pick up the call between the practice.

I smile and Type - I had my Food, I am missing you and Love me once I am home my stress would be gone ❤️

I start with my work again after calling Maa so that even she doesn't get worried.


My eyes are dropping and still some work is left. I look at the time 3AM.

I get up and grab a cup of coffee. I text Kripa if she is Awake but she isn't. I sip my coffee so that I am alive for the day as we have to present our project in the meeting at 10AM. I will take a nap for one hour before the meeting after the work is done.

I stand in the balcony and look in the sky. My head is throbbing badly. Everyone is working so hard.

Suddenly I get Call. A smile form on my lips.

I pick it up and ask "Haven't Slept?"

"I was, But had to go to the washroom. What about you? How is the work?" Kripa asked in her sleepy voice

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