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"Why is she here?”Khizr voiced, glaring at Amal who had no other option than to just stare at the floor beneath her.

“i brought her here"Dina confessed which made Khizr's gaze shift to Dina who gulped in fear as noticed her brother's anger.

“How, how could you just, just lock her in the storeroom?”Dina mustered up the courage to let these words out whilst stuttering, she couldn't deny her fear of angry Khizr even as his little sister. Khizr was taken aback by her sister talking back to him because of the new girl, his glare went straight to Amal who stood at her place awkwardly.

“You said you loved her? Is this how you show your love?” Dina continued, remembering her happiness when she founf out that her brother finally fell in love and wanted to wed that girl immediately.She was happy that someone was going to  to accompany her in this house, but at what cost? She was questioning after seeing Amal in the storeroom.

“Shut up!” Khizr shouted causing both women to flinch at their places.Dina looked up at Khizr, shocked as her brother never raised his voice at her.

“There is no place for that woman in this house.She should be grateful that I let her stay in that storeroom, today onwards she will live in the room next to the storeroom of servant quarters.” Khizr spoke once again, he let out every word firmly with anger as he bore holes onto Amal with his burning gaze. Dina's jaw dropped at his words, was her brother reallly going to put Amal in that room? The room that makes storeroom seem like heaven.The room was literally made to hide all the plumbing pipes and other infrastructure pipes.

“There is enough place,bhai.You know very well,”Dina looked back into her brother's eye, hint of challenge present in her eyes. Khizr noticed her behaviour and it onky fueled his anger on Amal. “However, if you still choose to remain adamant then let me tell you bhai. This room is big enough to shelter her.”Dina continued.

Khizr chuckled at his sister's words, “Bacha, you're challenging me?’He raised his eyebrows in question before continuing “You also should know very well, I can do whatever I want to whoever I want. You have no say in it”

“If that's your decision, then listen to mine too. I will sleep in the same room where you make her sleep.''Dina glared at him, she wasn't going to leave the poor girl alone to suffer. Khizr was taken aback by this whole conversation, how has this woman already pulled Dina in her side?

“Do You have a clue who you're defending over your own brother?”Khiz grinned a little in sarcasm as he raised his eyebrows whilst questioning his sister, Dina frowned at his words. “Farooq Shah's daughter!” Khizr answered the curiosity on Dina's face.Amal started to get more nervous as she heard his words, she couldn’t see her face as Dina’s back was facing her but she couldn’t help but wonder  was Dina going to hate her too now?

“I don’t care! Your enmity is with Farooq Shah, why are you dragging an innocent girl into this matter?”Dina retorted back,causing a wave of relief in Amal whose lips curved into a smile.Khizr saw the smile on her face which only enraged him further as he took quick steps toward her before grabbing her wrist and dragging her with him. Amal groaned at the pain as her eyes widened in horror of what was about to come to her. In no time, he dragged her through the corridor as Dina followed behind trying to get him to stop.

“Bhai, stop” Dina rushed to them as she shouted for her brother to stop, just as she was about to reach him, he went into a room and smashed the door shut on her face.

“Stop disturbing, you're only going to enrage me further” Khizr shouted back in anger as Amal flinched at his voice.Soon after the agressive knocking stopped as Amal's heart raced in fear.Amal tried to remove his grip from her hand, she felt her skin burn in disgust because of his touch.Khizr smirked as he saw the visible digust on her face before jerking his hand, pulling her closer to himself.

“Leave me"Amal said she tried to push him away from herself. She looked into his eyes and as she had expected, there was only anger in them.

“Listen to me and fucking listen carefully, you are not here to spend your life happily. You're here as my captive, bothing more. Do not expect to be treated better if you fill my sister's ears with you fake stories.Dina may melt down, but I will not.”Khizr said as he pulled her closer to himself leaving near to no gap inbetween their bodies.If gazes could kill, Amal would be six feet under the ground already. Wouldn’t that be a better option than to be his captive? Amal couldn't help but think this.

“I did not fill your sister's ears” Amal firmly refused his allegations, knowing well that she did not fill Dina's ear with fake stories. “Neither do I expect any good from a monster like yourself” Amal retorted back as she glared at him. However, she regretted her actions soon after when the man in question pushed her on the floor.

Khizr squatted in front of her and grabbed her hair in his grip whilst Amal stared at him blankly, trying to hide her fear hut failing miserably, before Khizr continued, “Unfortunately, this monster is your husband. I haven't even shown you a glimpse of what I have planned for you yet and here you are, already calling me monster.''Khizr stared at her intensely making Amal's heart skip a beat in fear as her mind ran marathon strying to figure out what he has planned for her.

‘You are not my husband’ Amal said in her head glaring back at him. How could he call himself her husband when he does not even meet one criteria for that position? Husbands are supposed to be your protectors not abusers.

“Don't forget what I can do to you! just because I married you instead, does not mean I can't drag you to that building and make you serve my men ”He tightened his grip on her hair as she tried pushing him away.Khizr saw the shock on her face when she heard his words, which only made him more happy.

“You wouldn't want that right?” Amal nodded in response, before he continued.”So don't you dare pull any act to gain Dina's sympathy, you'll sleep in my room from today onwards until Dina leaves.” Khizr glared at her while letting out each word before getting up and leaving the room.Amal just stared at his back as he disappeared into the corridor. She felt her heart drop in pain, she wanted to cry but it was as if her tears had finished after the excessive crying of yesterday. She got up and layed on the bed when she felt her head throb in pain, it  only took a few seconds for her to fall asleep once again.


“Take a seat"Dina smiled as she pointed at the seat in the garden. Dina woke Amal up after a few hours to pray Asr and eat some snacks. After Maghrib, she suggested a walk outside so Amal can calm down because she seemed stressed the whole time. Dina knew there was only so much she could do for her, especially after knowing she was the daughter of her brother's enemy.

“Why does your brother hate my father?”Amal saw how Dina's smile faded at her question but in no more than a second, she gave a light smile.

“I don't know” Dina answered, Amal could not figure out if she was lying or saying the truth. However, she ignored it knwoing even if she knew she won't answer.

‘She's her brother sister at the end of the day.’Amal thought.

Dina started asking Amal about her life and Amal answered diverted the question if she didn't want to answer it and replied vaguely to others, trying to not give too much information. Amal was skeptical about her, she could not trust her too soon. She felt as if she was using Dina as a shield from her brother, but she couldn't help it.

“Sister Dina, the dinner is served.”A young girl rushed to Dina and sprinted back after informing her.

The dinner was peaceful as there was no sign of Khizr which Amal was grateful for. Dina took Amal to another room and showed her around the room, including the qibla direction and the clothes she ordered for Amal.

“I've ordered these for today, but we'll go shopping together to buy what you like once everything settles down a little” Dina said as she satrted placing the clothes in the wardrobe.Amal let out a ‘thank you’, it was clear to her that Dina was unaware of her brother's order to sleep in his room.

“or maybe she has talked to him?” Amal thought.

“Dina, Khizr asked his wife to join him in his bedroom” Amal hope crashed as soon as she heard these words from the women, Farah, who had just entered the room.

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