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A few days passed by with Amal waking up to an empty bed and spending her day on her own, for which she was grateful.She spent her days trying to complete her house, busying herself in observing all the security around the house and noting them down.

Amal spent her nights trying to sleep on the sofa but getting caught by Khizr every night. She had no escape, his high sentience went hand in hand with him being a light sleeper.She tried everything including switching to the sofa after he slept but still, in no time he was wide awake and threatening her back to the bed.

Amal layed on the bed after realising there was no way out of this problem.The only way she can go about this, is to sleep earlier than the man and wake up after him. This would drastically make her feel better as being a heavy sleeper came with its benefit, she wouldn't be aware of the man's presence if she slept earlier.

The door was forced open creating a loud noise which startled Amal who was about to fall into a deep sleep, Amal squinted jer eyes and looked around.The noise was followed by the noise of a few hard footsteps. Amal closed her eyes, digging her face back into the cosy pillow waiting for sleep to overtake her once again. Her wishes went into vain and she heard a small click before the room was bright once again.

Amal groaned in her sleep, hiding from the bright light by digging her whole face into the pillow.

“You've learnt your lesson at last!” Khizr spoke in amusement, staring at her on the bed. Khizr turned the lights off when he saw her squint her eyes at the bright light, digging her face into the pillow. Khizr left to the closet to change whereas Amal took advantage of this chance and fell into a deep slumber, letting darkness take over her.


As always, Amal woke up to an empty bed which she was very grateful for.She made her way downstairs after offering her salah, and by now she was familiar with the house so she barely ever got lost. Amal felt stuck, she was being suffocated in this house. Khizr hasn't communicated or misbehaved with her much over the past few weeks, Amal was grateful but also confused. What happens now?

Does she stay with him for the rest of her life as a captive in this golden prison?

Lost in her thoughts, she gasped when her steps came to a halt suddenly when she bumped into a wall.

“Are you blind?” Amal heard a voice from afar, as she stared up to see she had walked into an actual wall. Amal looked up to the voice and it was no other than Khizr, looking at her as if she had gone crazy.

Amal lowered her head in embarrassment but tried to hide it as she raised her head walked confidently to the kitchen.
‘Why did he not go yet?’ Amal wondered, confused.

A few girls ran in and closed the kitchen door, startling Amal.She stared at them confused, one of them spoke almost immediately as if she understood her question.

“Uhm, this backdoor was stuck so we had to come from the garden door but since Khizr Bhai was in the living room, we  had to wait outside hence why we're late. We didn't cover properly enough to come from the main door too since men were there, so the only option was the garden door. Sorry” The girl explained nervously, stuttering here and there.

“Oh, it's fine. Don't worry about it, I just came in the kitchen anyways” Amal smiled at her, the girl nodded before all of them got to work. “Uh, Khizr, is he still in the living room?” Amal questioned.

“No, we ran into the kitchen when he left the living room so I doubt he's back. I think he must be in his study.”The same girl answered, Amal nodded in relief.

“How old are you? if you don't mind me asking.” The girl questioned.

“I turned 21 last month” Amal replied with a smile, a big grin reolaced the smile on the girl's face as she opened her mouth to speak again.

“You're my age! My name is Falaq, by the way. ”

Amal sat on her bed, confused, contemplating what to do next. She felt like the biggest idiot as the thought of the diary ,which consists of the map of this house and the positions of the guards, crossed her mind. She was basically crippled until she got divorce!

She still needed to ask him for divorce, but she was unaware of how to do so. Khizr was scary and unpredictable, and all she's been doing since the past months is avoiding him. Yes, one month. Amal, herself, could not believe she has survived a month in this house.

“Amal, Khizr bhai has called for you in his study.” Amal broke out of her train of thoughts, following the voice and nodded at Falaq who had peaked her head in the door to give her the message. In no time, Falaq left as soon as she saw the nod, not wanting to disturb her further.

Amal was confused about this sudden meeting he wanted, she had been successfully avoiding him for the past month and she least expected him to call her. Amal couldn't help but wonder why he had called her, he seemed to be in a good mood today, maybe today was the day to actually take a step forward to her freedom. Maybe today was the day to discuss the divorce?

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