Chapter 248

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The villa was restored with electricity.

After showering with hot water and drying the laundry with a dryer, we gathered to enjoy whole chicken soup, including a pot of porridge.

"Wah, this is the best..."

"I-I really enjoyed it!"

"Hyung, your cooking is always delicious!"

"Yeah, thanks."

Honestly, with almost no vegetables, it didn't seem like it would taste better than eating outside, but given the circumstances, the two native chickens were reduced to mere bones in no time.

'It's not bad.'

I anticipated future meals.

Presumably, a cellar of that size might have other preserved ingredients besides meat.

Considering the situation, we could probably ask for forgiveness if we ate one or two more things within reason.

...Though, I didn't have time to properly look around in my embarrassment to rush out of there.

'Damn it.'

- Uwaah!!

- I told you something was off!! Ahh!!

I felt disoriented again when the dizzying memories of that moment of nonsense swept through my brain once more.

Let's forget about it. It won't do any good to my sanity.

"Hmm, we still haven't been able to contact the production team."

"Yeah. Should we try going outside and do it there?"

The other guys were trying to figure out contact plans with their fully charged smartphones.

'Well, the power's back and we've got supplies to feed ourselves, so there's no rush.'

Although the updated weather forecast wasn't very reliable, it should be cleared up within the next two or three days at most.

Now, I was just going to focus on being as comfortable as I can be in this place regardless of the broadcast. Frankly, the line has been crossed.

I put down the spoon and suggested.

"Should we check if there are any vegetables in the cellar? I'm sure we could use some in an emergency."

"Should we?"

"I say yes~ Oh, and let's clean up some of the blood too. The production team might get as shocked as us if they come and see it~"

"I-I'll look for the mop...!"

With that, as soon as the meal cleanup was done, we armed ourselves with cleaning supplies and went back down to the basement.

Taking plenty of flashlights in case another power outage occurred was not forgotten.

'There might be some well-preserved... seasonings or some pickled olives for snacks.'

And as expected, we found some additional items.

"Oh, wine~"

"Is there any chance that this cheese is such an expensive or limited product that we wouldn't be able to adequately compensate the owner if we consumed it?"

"...Let's just eat something else."

However, what we found in the basement was not limited to just that.

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