Chapter 277

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TL by Miru

I was running along the apartment complex's walking trail at four in the morning, with a dog by my side.

"Pant, pant!"

How I ended up jogging with someone else's dog was beyond me. It was a dog belonging to someone I wasn't even happy to see at that, despite it being nearly half a year since our last encounter.

I sighed, turning to look beside me.

"You're running so well, Kongi. Good boy."

Praising what seemed obvious was... Chungryeo, who had appeared out of the fog.

'Damn it.'

I recalled how things had come to this. The guy had appeared, casually dressed for a light workout, guiding the dog.

- I usually walk him in secluded areas with no people, so it seems the dog got a bit excited hearing someone else around. I'm sorry if I startled you.

And he was far too composed. So, I asked him,

- You knew it was me, didn't you?

His response to my suspicion was as follows.

- Seeing a pink-haired man walking around here in the early hours of the morning... narrows it down quite a bit, don't you think?

- ...

- The colour stands out even through the fog.

It was an explanation I couldn't argue with. I groaned at the sight of my head, only covered with a loosely fitted hat. Naturally, I had thought no one would be around here at four in the morning.

The reason for his unexpected appearance around here was smoothly explained as well.

- I'm taking a break from touring and had something to do... so I'm staying at the dorm for a while. And I'm here since this area tends to be even more deserted in the early mornings.

It was true.

- You seem to be here for similar reasons, hoobae-nim

- ...

He was right.

To summarize, both of us ended up here due to similar professional and situational coincidences.


Therefore, I accepted the situation and was about to leave quickly...

- I see. Then...

- Since we're heading the same way, how about we walk together? Since Kongi might start barking if you run off.

- ...

- It'd be a nuisance this early in the morning, right?

I looked at the yellow fluff in his arms, its front paws flailing while looking at me, and reluctantly changed my direction...

"Woof, woof!"

Become an Idol or Become Deceased! [fan translation] P.2Where stories live. Discover now