When you get sick

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🌊Giyuu Tomioka🌊

Y/n woke up with a very high fever. She/He was sweating like crazy and could barely think. She/He decided to get up and go to her/his father. So she/he got up and walked over to her/his father who was making breakfast. She/He walked over to him and grabbed yukata. Tomioka looked down and saw his daughter/son with a sweaty and red face.

Tomioka: Y/n are you ok?

Y/n: No...I feel too warm...

Tomioka placed the back of his hand on her/his forehead and pulled it back.

Tomioka: You have a fever. Come on let's get you back to bed. I'll get you a cold rag.

Tomioka picked his daughter/son up and carried her/him back to her/his room. He layed his daughter/son on the futon and placed the blanket back over her/him.

Tomioka: Stay here, I'll get you a nice cold rag.

Tomioka got up and left the room. Minutes later he came back with a small bowl with a rag in it. He placed the bowl down and placed the cold rag over his daughter's/son's forehead.

Tomioka: I'm gonna be going on a mission later. I'll make sure to let Shinobu know of your sickness.

Y/n: Thank you father.

Tomioka: Your welcome Y/n. Now get some rest.

🦋Shinobu Kocho🦋

She was in her lab working on poisons when her daughter/son walked in with a blanket wrapped around her/his little body.

Y/n: Mother...

Shinobu: Oh yes my little butterfly?

Y/n: Why does it feel so cold?

Shinobu instantly walked over to her/him and felt her forehead.

Shinobu: Oh my, You have a cold. Coke on let's get it check out really quick.

Shinobu picked her daughter/son up and placed her over on a stool and took her temperature. She/He was below the average temperature level for a normal human.

Shinobu: Well you definitely have a cold. Let's get you into your nice warm bed ok?

Y/n: Ok Mother...

Shinobu picked her/him up and took her/him to her/his room. She placed him in the bed and wrapped her/him up in the blanket.

Shinobu: Now, Don't leave the bed unless you need something. And if you need something go ahead and ask Aoi or Me. Ok My little Butterfly?

Y/n: Ok Mother.

🔥Kyojuro Rengoku🔥

Y/n woke up and ran to the bathroom throwing up her guts which scared the actual soul out of Kyojuro. He picked his daughter/son up and ran to Shinobu's. After awhile Shinobu told Rengoku the problem.

Rengoku: Food poisoning? Oh my gosh is my daughter/son ok? Is she/he dying?!

Shinobu: Rengoku, Your daughter/son is fine. Food poisoning won't kill her/him. The most that will happen is dizziness, headaches, weakness, and lack of appetite.

Rengoku: So my daughter/son isn't dying?

Shinobu: Nope.

Rengoku: Oh thank god. Can I take her/him home now?

Shinobu: Yes but if her/his symptoms get worse then bring her/him back to me.

Rengoku: Ok!

Rengoku walked over to his sick daughter/son and picked her/him up.

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