Chapter 3

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I woke up to find myself in a hospital. I saw a nurse beside me fixing the drip. I tapped her, and she rushed out to call the doctor. A few moments later, the doctor came in and examined me.

"What happened?" I asked the doctor as I tried to get up, but my head throbs causing me to lie back down.

""Relax miss, you were brought in here by Mr Damien Dante. He said he saved you from the hands of a man that was harassing you, but you don't have to worry anymore, the police have already arrested the man that harassed you"" I let out a sigh of relief.

" Thank you doctor" I said softly,

" Oh you should be thanking Mr Dante, not me."

""Uhh where is he? I'd like to thank him""

""He should be here shortly. He asked us to call him once you've regained consciousness, and we already did. From the looks of it, you're okay now, and you will be discharged soon.""

"Okay thank you" I said. He nodded and left with the nurse. I thought of the horrors of the previous night and a lone tear slipped from my eyes. It's a miracle that I actually survived the harassment of Mr David. I really don't know how much longer I can keep up with this work, it keeps getting worse each time.

Will my life ever turn better? I'm tired of these hardships and constant harassment from men. I don't know how much longer I can go through all these. I wish my parents were still alive. I wouldn't have to go through all these nightmares.

I snapped out of my thoughts when a very tall and handsome man strode in like he owned the place.

I took pleasure in gawking at him, he was fit and toned, and had a body that was meant for sex. The kind that could turn an uptight girl like me into a moron.

He was like a dangerous demon sent to give women impure thoughts, or he might've been the devil himself.

His gray eyes locked on mine and I felt the air leave my lungs. He was in a dark neat three-piece suit staring at me with no expression.

He began walking towards me slowly. Oh my god, I quickly averted my eyes. He sat beside me and cleared his throat.

"It's a good thing you're awake now" he said huskily. Wait a minute, he must be the man that saved me last night.

"Are you Mr Damien Dante?" I asked curiously.

"yes I am"

""Oh my god, I-I'm so sorry I didn't realize it. Thank you sir, for saving me last night. I'm really grateful, thank you"" I was a stuttering mess, but you won't blame me, the man was so intimidating that I felt so nervous around him.

" Mind if I ask who that man from last night was?"

"Um he is my owner" I said, clearly ashamed. I felt like some kind of sex toy.

"Pardon?" he asked, clearly confused by my answer.

"H-he bought me to work for him as a maid", I said lowly.

"You sell yourself to different men?" he asked with disgust laced in his voice and I cringed at his question.

"No! I was sold as a maid to him, but he tried to force himself on me....""

"Yeah right, what did you expect was going to happen by selling yourself to him?"

"I didn't sell myself, my stepmom did, and I have no choice but to obey her if I want to survive"

"Really? And you call this surviving?"

"Please do not judge me because you have no idea what I have been through" I spat venomously.

"Okay, so I assume you're already done with college?"

"No I haven't been to college yet" I said sadly.

"So what do you do with the money you've earned?"

" I already told you sir, my stepmom sold me, so she keeps the money to herself."

""Okay well, call your stepmom and let her know you're at the hospital. I have already settled the bills and here, I bought some clothes for you on my way here"" he said, and dropped a bag in front of me, my eyes widened in shock.

No one has ever bought me new clothes since my dad died, except my best friend Chloe. I wore clothes Amber threw away because they never bought me anything, even from the money I earned while working as a maid.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me, you were planning on wearing the hospital gown home?"" he said with a glint of amusement in his gray eyes.

"N-no sir, thank you sir" I said, and he nodded.

" I guess you don't have your phone with you to call your stepmom, do you have her number, so I can call her for you?" I shook my head frantically in fear.

If he called my stepmom now, she would take me back home and sell me to someone else again. I have no strength for that now. I have barely fully recovered. He stared down at me as though I was a little child.

""Please don't call her. If it's possible, can I stay here for a while before going back home?"

""What do you mean? This is a hospital, not a guest house.""

""I know, I just want to rest a bit. I'll go back home before night time, I promise.""

"Why are you so scared of going home?"

"You do not understand, I don't want to go home yet, l-I'm just so tired, please tell the doctor that there is no need to discharge me just yet" I said with my eyes glassy with tears.

"Where are your parents?"

" Uhh they are late" I said as tears dripped down my eyes.

" What is your name?"

"Ayla- Ayla Anderson" I said lowly, with his burning gray eyes still on me.

"How would you like to earn real money for yourself Ayla?" my eyes widened, and I quickly cleaned my eyes as a sense of hope engulfed me.

"H-how sir? I would do anything you ask, as long as I earn money to take care of myself,"" I said desperately, and he smirked.

""I presume you are good at house chores? How would you like to work for me as my maid? I'll pay you really well so that you do not have to depend on anyone ever again,"" he said huskily, with those gray eyes which held power that threatened to consume me.

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