Chapter 4

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"You will pay me really well?" I asked to be sure I heard correctly.

""Of course, I can send you your part payment right now if you agree. If you don't, well, I can still help you call your stepmom...""

"No! I will work for you, but my stepmom will definitely come for me and I don't...""

"I can assure you that you would be safe under my roof, even if she comes for you, she can't force you to go with her if you do not want to", I sighed in relief. 

Maybe this is it, this is my chance to stand on my own. Yeah, I can work for him till I have saved up enough money to start up my own business or something, maybe a restaurant, since I'm excellent at cooking. I can also go to college if I wish. Wow.

" Thank you so much sir, you won't regret hiring me. I will make sure that I take care of all your needs. I promise" oops okay that came out wrong. I saw his gray orbs darkened as I mentioned needs, but I wasn't really sure maybe I was just seeing things.

"Okay then Ayla, go and get changed, so we can leave", I nodded and took the clothes to the restroom. I changed into a red floral gown that was just above my knees.

The gown was really beautiful as it hugged my light skin like it was meant for me and the material seemed really expensive too.

I came back, and he gazed at me for a few seconds. I suddenly felt nervous under his scrutinizing gaze. I began awkwardly strengthening the gown.

"It suits you" he stated, and I flushed beet red.

"Let's go" he said as he stood up and took long strides outside while I followed behind him.


The car ride was silent. I looked over at her as she gazed out the window. She seemed to be lost in thoughts. I wondered what she was thinking about.

The gown I bought her hugged her like a second skin and displayed her very nice curves. She was very beautiful with her innocent blue eyes which held sadness in them.

Something about those blue eyes made me want to take away the sadness in them. I decided to offer her a job as my maid, to keep her away from those assholes she called her owners, who found pleasure in abusing her.

How can one be so frightened of her relatives? I really don't know what she has been through in the past, but I plan to keep the innocent girl away from harm. 

When she pleaded desperately that she would take care of my every need, I felt a knot tighten in my pants, I couldn't help the sinful thoughts that crept into my mind. Oh, I would really love to see how she takes care of all my needs. 

I watched her long brown hair blowing in the breeze while hitting her skin. She glanced over at me and caught me staring at her. She fidgeted and averted her eyes as she clenched her knees together. I smirked, I always have that effect on people.


The driver pulled over at a huge mansion. I gaped at how beautiful and luxurious it was.

"Let's go" he said, and headed inside, while I followed behind. The mansion exudes a sense of grandeur, with tall ceilings, large windows and a beautiful facade.

It had customized furnishing that complements the unique style and personality of the homeowner. From intricate woodwork to exquisite finishes, every detail is carefully selected to exude opulence and luxury.

"This is where you will work from now on. There are other staff that come and go every day except Sundays, but since you don't have a place to stay, you can stay in one of the guestrooms. Do you have a phone?"

"N-no sir" I said and he shaked his head.

"Wow, you really have nothing at all. I'll have someone get you a phone. It's really important. Then about clothes. Hmm, I'll place an order online with some other things you might need." 

I couldn't believe what was happening, so there were still nice owners out there, I mean bosses out there. I had already gotten used to the term owner. I cringed at the word.

"Your duties involve cleaning up the mansion and taking care of my needs like you said". I shivered, the intensity of his eyes had me trembling. I quickly looked away from his burning gaze.

"Come with me, I'll show you to your room." He went to one of the rooms and opened the door. I stepped inside the beautiful room with a soft queen-sized bed. I can't believe this is my room now.

" You will begin your chores first thing tomorrow morning. The chores are shared among the staff. Once you are assigned a duty, you are expected to complete it on time. And, like the other staff, Sundays are your only days off. You are free to go anywhere you like on Sundays. I have just three rules for you. First, you are not allowed to leave without my permission. Second, you are not allowed to ever talk back or disrespect me, and the last and most important rule, you must do everything I command you to do. Do you understand me?" he asked and I nodded vehemently.

There was something about the way he said the last rule that made me shudder. 

"I need words, Ayla" he said huskily." fuck, I love the way my name rolled out of his tempting lips. Okay, where did that come from? 

" Yes sir, I understand."

"Good, now make yourself comfortable. Go down for lunch whenever you're hungry and if you need any other thing, you let me know" I nodded and he left.

A few moments later, there was a knock at my door. I opened the door to reveal one of the staff.

"Here you go miss, Mr Dante asked me to give this to you" she handed over lots of shopping bags. I thanked her and shut the door.

I placed the bags on the bed and took out the beautiful clothes he ordered for me. I tried out each of them, but they all appeared very short and sexy to me.

I took out another bag. I was shocked to see different colors of lace panties, bra and lingerie. What the actual fuck.

I wore the shortest dress I could find and strode to his room to make a complaint.

I knocked on his door and stepped inside when I heard him say come in.

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