Chapter 15

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Sebastian wouldn’t let me out of his sight. Apparently I was ‘unwell’ and he had to take care of me. Ava had left him instruction to redress my cuts, and I had avoided it for most of the morning.

“Aubrey let me do your bandages,” he said. I shook my head and pointed at the neat kitchen.

“I need to clean the kitchen,” I tried explaining but he wasn’t convinced. I had cleaned the entire house twice over and washed, folded and returned all the clothes, even the clean ones. That also went for the plates, ornaments, pictures and even the windows, the house had never looked better.

“Aubrey now,” he said sternly edging closer.

“I need to ah…go shopping?” I said hesitant. He lunged at me and I swiftly dodged. “I have to do some gardening,” I tried again.

“We don’t have a garden, now stop moving.” He took another lunge at me but missed.

“Well maybe we should get one.” he chased me around the house for several minutes that to anyone watching would think we were playing some sort of game.

“Why do you only swim well when you want to avoid me?” he finally grabbed me by the tail and reeled me in. “Now I’ve got you, ma ha ha, your mine” he said dramatically. He pulled me downstairs wrapped his tail around my waist, holding me captive on the couch while he got out the medical kit.

“I’m completely fine, you don’t need to do anything.” I squirmed in his grasp which only tightened. I felt his hand rest on my shoulder steading me.

“Then there should be no problem with just a checkup. If you had let me do it sooner you wouldn’t have had to clean the entire house as an excuse.” He laughed. “Now do you want to take your top off or should I?” he asked rather smug. I thought I was smart by wearing a slip on as that way he wouldn’t be able to take it off, how wrong I was. I glanced over my shoulder at him shocked.

“How about neither.” I snapped. I felt his hand slid up the skin of my back making me jolt and twist to hit him. A sudden pain stretched across my back. I clenched my mouth shut. Sebastian twisted me around.

“Stop being silly, I’m going to see your full glory eventually,” he mused getting very dirty thought. He flicked his attention back to the problem at hand. “Lay down before you do more damage to your back.” He carefully but forcibly pushed me onto my stomach across the length of the lounge. He slid my top up so it was pulled right up under my armpits and scrunched against my neck. It was a bit awkward to unravel the bandages, given my current position. “You’ve reopened some of you cuts, do you know how much slack Ava is going to give me.” I felt him dab some sort of antiseptic on my cuts. “You must have a high tolerance to pain,” he commented. I shrugged and instantly regrating it. “So what’s the deal with this scare?” he asked running his finger across the mid right over my scare.

I instinctively attempt at covering it, trying to pull my shirt down, that the annoying mer held it as well as me in place. “I literally have all day honey,” he said.

“Don’t call me honey, sweetie,” I growled back at him. He simply smiled, tilted his head and waited. If he wanted to wait all day then we’d all day. He redid the bandages up to prevent parasites nibbling their way into me, but left me top up as he knew it would keep me in place. “So…” he asked waiting for the answer. I remained silent. He was the one who started it but I was the one going to finish it even if it took literally all day.


Ten minutes in I was bored out of my mind, the clock tick slower and slower. I could tell Sebastian was on his last fins with patients. I would only have to wait a few minutes more and he would surly give up…Another ten went past and I didn’t know why we were even doing this. I was being stubborn not to mention childish with this silent treatment. Was it even a big deal if he knew? I took a breath in ready to give up and tell Sebastian, but he suddenly jumped in ahead of me.

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