Chapter 23

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My whole body felt like there was a fire growing inside of me, the surrounding water was doing nothing to cool me, but other than that I felt fine. Sebastian however was as hard as a rock and with a glazed look over his eyes. I slid down to his arm and pressed my torso against his suit jacket. I turned and saw that I had a million pairs of eyes looking at me, most of them male and a few aggravated female eyes. What did I do wrong this time?

“Sebastian?” I asked innocently staring up into his beautiful eyes. “What’s wrong?” I asked and began tracing my finger over his solid lips. I giggled for no particular reason and played with his tie a little before getting bored. The room was silent and a ring had formed around us slowly inching closer. I could see Genevieve in the distance, grinning from ear to ear, just waiting for something to happen. She pointed at Sebastian mouthing the words ‘Do it’. Confused I back to the crowd to ask what was going on and begun swimming towards the closest mer. Sebastian who I assumed had turned to stone took a sharp breath. “I’m so hot,” I said fanning myself flicking my hair back. “Is it just me?” I asked.

Suddenly someone grabbed at my tail and pulled at me. Just like the domino effect a million other hands began grasping at me. I just sat there in the middle of it and watched. There was a sudden flash of deep blue scaring off a portion of my new found attachments. It took me a moment to realise that it was Sebastian darting around. I cheered and clapped not finding it strange that Sebastian had suddenly grown a new fin. I watched as he ripped another two bodies from me. This should be put on stage as part of the performance. It would make an epic fight scene. I giggled and clapped. I was suddenly plucked from the crowed by Ava just as a flash of deep blue flickered passed my eyes.

“You idiot,” she called back before dragging me down the hallways with the male population following. “Stupid stupid Sebastian, and you have no idea what’s happening do you?” she muttered peering down at me. I giggled stupidly and shook my head.

“Not a clue hehe.” Ava rolled her eyes and made a sharp left into a room and bolted a heavy metal door behind her. We heard the mers banging on the door calling to me. I was itching to open it.

“Stupid stupid Sebastian. Don’t even think about it missy,” She pulled me away from the door and the pillow I was strangling. “Who would have thought, a Halfling would have such a strong scent.” Scent? I looked at her curious. She sighed shaking her head. “Aubrey as a mer, you inherit certain traits from sea life, one in particular comes from a dolphin,” she began.

“Sebastian mention dolphins once,” I mumbled. Ava ignored me and continued.

“Right now you are in heat,” I nodded. “Which means you give off a pheromone that is very alluring to the male population” I nodded again. “Meaning they want to mate with you” Another nod. She sighed and gave an irritated groan “I feel like I’m talking to a piece of seaweed! You need to stay here for a couple of days until this blows over,” I slumped onto the lounge.

“I wanted to see the show,” I sighed noticing there was no windows but a connecting door to the side.

“Do you want to end up pregnant, and not necessarily with Sebastian?” she snapped.

“No, but…” I stopped myself. What was I thinking? I didn’t want kids, not now at least. I gave an irritated sigh and rolled onto my back. “Is there any pain?” I asked.

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