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"Asaad..." Carsyn said, looking up at him when she felt a liquid trickle down her leg.

"Shit," He said, his eyes widened.

"Come on mama," He said, beginning to walk her to the couch so that she could sit down.

He was about to go get the last few of their things but she stopped him, gripping his arm as she felt another harsh cramping feeling in her abdomen.

Her eyes watered at the pain, she didn't know what actual labor pains felt like but she didn't know it was this bad.

"Just breath ma, you got it," He comforted as she attempted to take deep breaths, that shit wasn't helping the pain, but it did calm her nerves.

"I can come back and get that shit if we needa' go now, just let me know," He told her when she loosened her grip on him, the important things were already packed in the car.

"It's okay, you can go get it,"

"Asaad, you checking on her more than the doctors," Ciara said to her grandson causing Carsyn to laugh.

They had been in the hospital for about an hour now, Carsyn was only 6cm dilated so that had to wait a little while.

She was already hooked up to an IV and in her hospital gown, so now they were just playing the waiting game.

They had also told her that it was too late for an epidural, so unless she wanted a c-section, she would have to do a natural birth.

"Y'all thought of names?" Tyson asked, he had arrived a couple of minutes ago, Asaad's family arriving right after him.

They definitely had the waiting room packed.

"I did, Asaad wants to name her Asaadine, but that shit is ugly," Carsyn said while shaking her head causing Asaad to suck his teeth.

"Yo' ass just hatin'" Asaad waved her off.

"What about Synai? S-y-n-a-i" Carsyn suggested.

Asaad thought about it for a moment before agreeing.

"I fuck wit' it, Synai Murders,"

"The last name throwing me, that should've been a dead flag when I first seen it," Carsyn said while shaking her head causing both Asaad and his grandmother to laugh.

"But I like the name, Synai Asani sounds good," Carsyn said as Asaad rubbed the back of her hand that was currently holding his.

"Oh..That is beautiful," Ciara complimented, her heart swelling at the sound of her late daughter's name.

Carsyn and Asaad had already decided on making Asaad's mother's name their daughter middle name, it was only right.

They wanted to keep her name alive.

"Okay, it looks like it's time. I need everyone except for the father to exit at this time. You all and your other family members can watch from the viewing window outside the room," Doctor Santiago smiled as her and a couple nurses entered the room as their family began to exit.

"Alright, I'm just going to check your dilation quickly. How are you two feeling?" She asked as she instructed Carsyn to prop her legs up.

"...Scared," Carsyn answered honestly, she hadn't let Asaad's hand go, not one time.

"You have nothing to be scared of, you're gonna be fine. Dad, how ya' feeling?"

"I'm cool," He answered simply, though he was lying.

He was nervous, he was becoming a father but he had never had one himself.

Of course he knew right from wrong but he was just afraid of messing anything up.

"Alright then, babygirl is definitely ready to come out so let's get this started,"

"Alright Carsyn, You're doing amazing, I need a big push!" Doctor Santiago encouraged as Carsyn cried.

She was exhausted, and was currently experiencing excruciating pain. She could literally feel her baby coming out as her inside felt like they were being ripped apart.

"I can't do it...I can't-

"Quit saying that shit Carsyn,You already doin' it. I'm so proud of you already mama," Asaad encouraged as he wiped the beads of sweat off her head.

"I'm so tired Asaad..."

"I know mama, I know. All this shit gon' be worth it in the end baby, you just gotta' push,"

Carsyn cried out as she gave one final gruesome push, the piercing cries of Synai finally filling the room.

"She here! Dad, would you like to cut the cord?" Dr.Santiago asked Asaad causing him to nod.

For Asaad, this honestly felt like a dream, the moment seemed so surreal.

After cutting the cord, the nurses quickly took Synai and cleaned her off before placing the baby girl on Carsyn's chest.

"Hi pretty girl..." Carsyn spoke softly, admiring the baby whose cries simmered once she was placed in her mother's arms.

Tears ran down Carsyn's cheeks as she caressed the baby's chunky hands, she was obviously a chubby baby and Carsyn loved it.

Asaad watched the interaction intensely, his daughter has arrived and he couldn't believe it.

"She's so pretty Asaad," Carsyn spoke, finally looking up to him only to see a tear that Asaad didn't even know was there rolling down his cheek.

Carsyn gently passed Synai to Asaad, allowing him to hold her for the first time.

Asaad remained quiet as he admired his daughter, his heart swelling a bit a her hand rested on his chest.

"She bleeding too much, bring me the cart," Dr.Santiago said quickly causing Asaad to look up, caught off guard by her alarming tone.

He looked over to Carsyn to see her eyes halfway shut as the heart monitor went off, causing the baby to cry.

"Ms.Cepheus stay awake, come on," The doctor said causing Asaad's heart to drop.

"Carsyn, get up, c'mon mama. Don't do this shit to me," Asaad told her and he gripped her hand, all while
trying to calm a crying Synai.

"We're losing her! Get the defibrillators!" Dr.Santiago exclaimed, but they were too late.

Over all the commotion going on inside the room, the noise of the flatline seemed to be the loudest to Asaad.

The End

A NOTE FROM KATE: Firstly, I want to appreciate you ALLLLLL for supporting me & my second completed work. I do appreciate every single one of you, especially if you've made it this far, this book was definitely all over the place.

I feel that this is not one of my best works but y'all definitely treat it as if it were, and I'm forever grateful for that, truly.

So again, thank you for all the support and I love you!

-𝙺𝚊𝚝𝚎 ♡

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