Chapter Two. . .

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In the busy corridors of JYP Entertainment, the tension between Y/N and Han was palpable. Han, regretting his outburst from the previous night, had attempted several times to catch Y/N's attention, but she persistently avoided him, turning away each time he approached.

His frustration mounting, Han spotted Y/N walking down the same corridor, her focus on the choreography she was developing for a TWICE song. He called out to her, but she continued on, disregarding his attempt to communicate.

With an annoyed sigh, Han quickened his pace and caught up to Y/N, reaching out to gently but firmly grasp her arm, prompting her to face him.

"What do you want, Ji-sung?" Y/N snapped, her voice tinged with irritation. "Come to embarrass me again like last time?"

Han released her arm, his expression serious. "No, that's not why I'm here. Look, I know I was out of line the other day. I shouldn't have said what I did."

Y/N crossed her arms, her demeanor still defensive. "So, what? You're here to apologize? After making a scene in front of everyone?"

Han ran a hand through his hair, searching for the right words. "I am sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I just... I get frustrated sometimes, and I don't handle it well."

Y/N's expression softened slightly, but she remained cautious. "Why do you even care, Ji-sung? It's not like my feelings matter to you."

Han looked at her, a hint of earnestness in his eyes. "They do matter to me. More than you realize. I just... I don't know how to show it properly."

Y/N, a bit taken aback by his admission, shifted uncomfortably. "I don't understand you, Ji-sung. One minute you're mocking me, the next you're here apologizing."

Han sighed, his frustration evident. "I know, I'm not good at this. I get tangled up in my own feelings and end up saying things I regret."

There was a brief silence as both contemplated their strained relationship.

"Maybe we both need to work on how we communicate," Y/N suggested tentatively.

Han nodded in agreement. "Yeah, maybe we do. I'll try to be better, Y/N. I don't want to keep fighting like this."

Y/N looked at him for a moment longer, then nodded. "Okay, Ji-sung. Let's try to start over, maybe?"

Han offered a small, genuine smile. "Yeah, let's do that."

As they parted ways, the air between them felt a little less charged, a tentative step towards understanding. The unpredictable dynamics between Han and Y/N were well-known within the JYP family, to the point where idols and staff would often become apprehensive upon seeing them together, anticipating potential arguments.

After their dance practice, a couple of TWICE members approached Y/N, their expressions a mix of shock and relief after witnessing her recent corridor encounter with Han.

Mina, one of the TWICE members, was the first to speak. "Y/N, we saw you and Han in the corridor earlier. We were surprised it wasn't another one of your infamous arguments."

Dahyun, standing beside her, added with a hint of curiosity, "Yeah, it actually looked like you two were having a civil conversation. What's going on?"

Y/N shrugged, a bit self-conscious about the attention. "It was nothing major. We just cleared the air a bit, that's all."

Jihyo, who had joined the group, chimed in, "It's good to see you two not at each other's throats for once. We were starting to wonder if that was ever going to happen."

Y/N laughed lightly, trying to downplay the situation. "Well, don't get your hopes up too high. Knowing us, this peace might be short-lived."

Sana, who was always more optimistic, smiled. "Maybe this is a good sign, though. It's nice to see some progress between you two."

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