Chapter Three. . .

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Jisung and Y/N's friendship had been through its fair share of ups and downs, but lately, it was as if they had found a new equilibrium. Their usual arguments and squabbles had become a rare occurrence, replaced instead by shared moments of laughter and understanding.
One lazy afternoon, as they lounged in the living room, BanChan noticed the change in their dynamics. He couldn't help but let out a comical sigh of relief, drawing the attention of the other members. They all turned to see what had amused BanChan so much and were greeted by the sight of Jisung and Y/N, sitting comfortably side by side, engrossed in a movie. The scene was so unexpectedly harmonious that it made the members chuckle in surprise.
As the movie played, the atmosphere was relaxed, filled with occasional laughter and comments about the plot. But peace was a fragile thing, especially with Jisung and Y/N. The tranquility was soon shattered by a debate over something as trivial as the last bag of crisps.

"Hey, that's mine!" Y/N exclaimed, reaching for the bag of crisps that Jisung had just picked up.

Jisung, with a playful glint in his eyes, pulled the bag away. "No way, I saw it first. Finders keepers!"

Y/N rolled her eyes, a familiar banter starting to brew. "Oh, come on, Jisung. You've already had two bags. Share a little, will you?"

Jisung pretended to ponder over it, tapping his chin theatrically. "Hmm, let me think... No."

The other members watched the scene unfold with amusement. This kind of bickering was typical of Jisung and Y/N, but it was different now. There was no real anger or frustration, just a playful back-and-forth that had become a cornerstone of their friendship.

"Seriously, Jisung, just give it here," Y/N said, making another grab for the bag.

In a swift move, Jisung stood up, holding the crisps high above his head. "If you want it, you'll have to catch me first!"

And with that, he dashed out of the room, Y/N hot on his heels. Their laughter echoed through the house as they ran, the sound of their footsteps mingling with their playful shouts.

The rest of the members exchanged glances, smiling at the familiar chaos. BanChan shook his head, still smiling. "Some things never change," he murmured, his eyes following the direction Jisung and Y/N had disappeared to.

Jisung and Y/N returned to the room, with Y/N triumphantly clutching the bag of crisps. They settled back down to continue watching the movie, their playful argument seemingly forgotten.

In the midst of their movie-watching, Felix suddenly stood up, drawing everyone's attention. "Guys, I've got something to tell you," he announced, a serious tone in his voice. "I've been keeping a secret, and I think it's time I shared it with you all."

Curiosity piqued, the Stray Kids members and Y/N bombarded Felix with questions. "What's up, Felix?" "Is everything okay?" "You're not leaving the group, are you?"

"No, no, nothing like that," Felix reassured them with a smile. "But it's something big. I'll tell you all tomorrow at our favorite cafe."

The next day, the group gathered at the cafe, a buzz of anticipation in the air. Felix arrived, a radiant smile on his face and a beautiful young woman by his side, their hands intertwined.

"This is Ji-Min, my girlfriend," Felix introduced her, beaming with happiness.

The group erupted in a chorus of surprised exclamations. "What? Since when?" "How did you guys meet?" "Felix, you sly dog!"

Y/N, however, felt her heart sink at the sight of their joined hands. She tried to mask her disappointment with a stoic expression, but her face betrayed her feelings. Noticing Y/N's reaction, Jisung glanced at her with a look of concern, remembering how she had always held a special place for Felix in her heart.

Suddenly, Y/N stood up. "I, uh, need to use the bathroom," she said quickly, her voice slightly shaky. But instead of heading to the restroom, she slipped out of the cafe.

Jisung watched her leave, concern etched on his face. After a couple of minutes, he casually checked his phone and excused himself. "Sorry guys, I just remembered I have something important to do."

He hurried out of the cafe, following the path he suspected Y/N had taken. His search led him to a nearby park, where he found her sitting alone on a bench, tears streaming down her face. Approaching her cautiously, Jisung sat down beside her, not saying a word, just offering his presence as a silent support.
As he sat there, Jisung felt a pang of guilt remembering the times he had teased and argued with Y/N, especially that incident in front of Felix. He wondered if his behaviour had added to her distress.

He waited patiently, giving Y/N the space to gather her thoughts. After a while, when her sobs subsided into quiet sniffles, he gently nudged her. "You know, you can talk to me, Y/N. I'm here for you."

Y/N's voice trembled as she confided in Han, her words laced with self-reproach. "I feel so stupid and foolish. Why did I ever think Felix would like me back?"

Jisung listened intently, understanding her pain more than she realized. He himself harbored hidden feelings for Y/N, but he knew this wasn't the moment to reveal them. Her heartache was too raw, too fresh.

"You're not stupid, Y/N," Han said softly. "Having feelings for someone is never foolish. It's human. And it's okay to feel hurt right now."

Y/N looked at him, surprised by his gentle tone. "Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?" she asked, trying to inject a bit of lightness into the somber mood.

Jisung smiled gently and moved closer, offering her the comfort of his embrace. "Maybe I'm not such a bad guy after all," he said, wrapping his arms around her.

Y/N leaned into his hug, finding solace in his warmth and support. For a moment, the world seemed a little less daunting, the pain a little less sharp. Jisung unexpected kindness was a balm to her broken heart, and in his embrace. In the days that followed, Y/N found herself grappling with a maelstrom of emotions. Being around Felix had become a challenge she wasn't ready to face. To give herself space to heal, she decided to take a break from hanging out with the group, a decision that didn't go unnoticed.

The members of Stray Kids felt the absence of her lively spirit keenly. "Hey, where's Y/N?" they'd ask during their gatherings, their concern growing with each passing day.

Jisung, aware of Y/N's struggle, stepped in with excuses. "Oh, Y/N? She's caught up with some personal stuff," or "She's just taking a little time for herself," he'd say, trying to sound casual. But his friends noticed the frequency of his excuses and the concern hidden in his eyes.

Felix, in particular, felt a pang of guilt. He couldn't help but wonder if his relationship with Ji-Min had inadvertently hurt Y/N. "Do you think she's avoiding us because of me and Ji-Min?" he asked Banchan one day, his voice tinged with worry.

Banchan, ever the voice of reason, reassured him. "Don't blame yourself, Felix. Y/N might just need some time to sort out her feelings. She's strong; she'll be back when she's ready."

Yet, even with Banchan's comforting words, a sense of unease lingered among the group. They all missed Y/N's presence, her laughter, and the energy she brought into their lives. And Jisung, quietly bearing his own hidden feelings, hoped more than anyone for her return.

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