❤️Aaron is not a good guy❤️

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I was cooking in the kitchen with Donna and Enzo went to get his friends from the airport. We were both taking turns to cook since we can't stand for too long. Donna was peeling the potatoes while sitting.

I went to open the door and the whole football team came in.
Dan: hello my love
You: *laugh* hi Dan
David: smells like heaven so hungry, I see the babies are growing
You: yes they're
They all went in the kitchen and started talking but I haven't seen Enzo yet. As I was about to close the door he stopped me.
Enzo: hi Mami you slept well
You: yes I did just a bit tired
He kissed me and I saw a guy behind him.
You: I'm sorry hi I'm Elly
??: good morning maam I'm Aaron
You: nice to meet you Aaron
I looked at Enzo and he looked so tired
You: please follow me and I'll introduce you to my friend
We went to the kitchen and as soon as he walked in Donna made eye contact with him she slightly gasped and looked at me m
You: so Aaron this is Donna my best friend
Donna: h-hi I'm Donna Enzos daughter
Aaron: daughter? Wait sooo she's your stepmom
You: I know it's weird but shii things happened

Everyone left the kitchen and of course my nosy ass had some questions. 
You: you freaky lil girl what was that
Donna: what he looked at me and I looked back
You: that was the look you had when you first met Alex
Donna: don't mention his name please
You: I'm sorry
You: *sigh* Donna I don't want you to rush things
Donna: damn Elly it was just eye contact nothing big
She rolled her eyes and walked off. I felt so bad cuz I didn't know what I did wrong
Aaron: is she ok
I got startled from his voice
You: I don't know can you please check on her
Enzo: heard some noise what's up
You: nothing love

Donna's pov
I walked to my room not wanting to show my tears. I miss Alex so much even tho he did that to me. I took my coconut oil and rubbed it on my belly. I heard a knock on the door and I thought it was elly
Me: not now Donna I need a moment
Aaron: it's Aaron
I covered myself very quickly and he immediately came in
Me: yes?
Aaron: are you ok?
Me: that's a question you don't ask when you know I'm not ok
Aaron: I just came to check ill ok on you
Me: thanks
He came and set next to me
Me: I've never met you before, you knew?
Aaron: nah I'm not I worked for your dad for a couple years but I never met you face to face
Me: oh that's-
Aaron: Donna you dad has a lot of secrets and I respect that
Aaron: I see you're expecting
Me: yes *grin* a baby boy
I said rubbing my stomach
Aaron: I heard about you and Alex and I'm very sorry
Me: excuse me
Aaron: I'm not judging
Me: I never said you where *eye-roll*
Me: please get out of my room
Aaron: I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you
Me: I don't like talking about him, I hate him with my whole heart but now I'm stuck with his whole generation inside me... but I thank god he didn't hurt him that's the only thing that I have
Aaron: ya I get it but don't worry your dad really fucked him up
Me: ya I guess
I looked at him and he was looking at my stomach. I guess he was watching him move
Me: *giggle* wanna feel it
I took his hand and placed them on my stomach.
Aaron:..... woww that's so cute
I couldn't control my emotions I felt my eyes tearing up, I looked up trying to stop them but they got even worse
Aaron: hi hi hi don't cry
He rubbed his thumb up my eye removing tears from my face.
Aaron: what should I do to bring back that smile back huh
You: *laugh* I'm hungry so food
Aaron: ok let's get you some food but first tears need to go
He looked in my eyes and I couldn't look away
Me: I'm gonna go
Aaron: I'll help you down the stairs
Me: *giggle* you know I can do it on my own right
Aaron:.... *smirk* I know don't worry

He helped me downstairs the stairs and he was so careful with my like I'm glass. It made me think, Alex was never like this he didn't care about me.
Me: thank you Aaron
Aaron: my pleasure *wink* everyone was sitting f on the kitchen chairs talking with each other. Elly walked up to me and bumped her belly on mine
Elly: sooo you got to know him a bit better
Donna: yes he's very nice very charming
Elly: mhm charming huh *smirk*
I rolled my eyes and set on the couch, I haven't healed yet i don't wanna risk it, I just wanna focus on my babyboy and make sure I'm completely healed to start dating again.
End of pov

I was on the couch resting my eyes just thinking about my life. I heard Donna laughing and I knew she was talking to Aaron, I know she likes him but she doesn't wanna believe it.
Enzo: Elly it's time come on
Elly: no no Enzo not now just give her a day she just started talking to Aaron
Enzo: WHAT
Enzo: Aaron is not a good guy Elly
Elly: what why
Enzo: I'll tell you when we get there

End of chapter see you next chapter

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