🏆Chapter Eleven🏆

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Emilia has settled back home and is at school today as her class is going over to the high school she is almost thirteen and will be attending the school in two years. Emilia is walking around the school and bumps into Jasper and Alice.

"Hi, Emilia! You need to come to our house for Bella's party!" Alice says happily and touches Emilia's arms." Don't touch me!" Emilia snaps at her and she walks off.

Emilia felt annoyed and she headed into the forest she phased and ran around the forest and she caught Embry's scent and made her way to the reservation school.

Emilia took a peak and saw Jared, Paul, and Embry with two girls and she watched them from the sidelines." So Emilia how old?" Cara asks." She's Twelve," Embry says.

"You like her like her or just a friend?" Max wonders." I like her, like her but she's Twelve I'm nearly sixteen too young to be with anyone like that," Embry says.

Embry looks around and spots Emilia looking at him." Back in a moment," Embry excuses himself and he jogs over to where Emilia is hiding." Mila, come on, let's go further away from the school so you can change," Embry says as they jog away.

Emilia goes behind a tree," Okay change back," Embry tells her and she does." Hi Em, I bumped two Cullens and one of them touched me and wouldn't leave me alone so I headed away and I shifted," Emilia says shyly smiling.

"You heard everything too huh?" Embry smirks." Yeah, I did, maybe when I hit sixteen we could try?" Emilia says with a smile." Most definitely could try," Embry nods with a smile. Emilia and Embry spent time in the woods before they had to go back to their perspective schools.

"Get back to school Mila, I'll see you hopefully this weekend," Embry says with a smile." I hope so it's been two weeks since I've been down," Emilia says with a soft smile." I'll speak with Sam, just go home, my little kitsune," Embry winks making her smile.

"See you wolfie," Emilia smiles brightly at Embry before phasing and running back to the school before the lunch bell ended. Emilia headed inside and found her class waiting for her." Where did you get to Emilia?" The teacher asked with a smile." Oh just outside, I got a bit lost, would you believe it?" Emilia says with a small smile.

The teacher nodded in response and the class laughed at her," I heard you went missing and your dad couldn't find you for weeks, "A boy laughed at her and two girls pushed Emilia whilst the teacher's back was turned to them." How about you sod off and leave me alone?!" Emilia snaps annoyed." Oooh, the weirdo is speaking to us," One of the girls taunts her.

Emilia got angry and walked off with the teacher chasing after her. Emilia ran away faster she jumped into the bushes and phased into her fox form.

She decided to burn her energy up and began killing any prey that came her way as Sam and Niska appeared."Emilia, please calm down," Niska says softly." I'm angry leave me alone!" Emilia growls as she rips a rabbit to pieces.

Sam grabs Emilia who is now covered in blood and they head to the pack house." Now shift back and talk to us properly," Sam says as he and Niska shift back and see a very upset Emilia.

"I was getting picked on and I was getting angry, no one in my class gets me and I get called weird a lot. I'm tired of it!" Emilia growls and she leans against a window as she moves further away from Niska and Sam.

Niska kneels near Emilia and softly strokes her hair," Em ignore them, sweetheart, you are amazing in your own way," Niska says softly smiling at her." I hate my school, I rather go to the reservation school instead," Emilia mutters sadly.

Emilia's phone was ringing and she saw it was her dad," Now I'm in trouble with my dad great(!)" Emilia cries softly. Niska takes the phone and answers it," Emilia! Where are you?!" Charlie asks worried." Charlie, it's Niska, she's fine she's at mine and Sam's," Niska tells Charlie." Is she okay? Her teacher said she just ran off," Charlie says worried.

"She was getting picked on by her class and she ran off because she was getting angry we've found her and brought her to mine, sorry Charlie I would have phoned but she's really unhappy at the moment, she thinks you're angry and she wants to move schools," Niska explains.

"Can you put her on the phone, please? And thank you for finding her," Charlie says softly. Niska passes the phone to Emilia who hesitates in putting the phone to her ear," Go on," Niska says softly before she and Sam leave the room." Hi dad, I'm sorry," Emilia says sadly.

"I'm not angry are you unhappy there?" Charlie says softly." I want to go to Embry's school please, I'm getting picked on a this school. I'm getting called weird and everything," Emilia says sadly.

"Then I'll arrange for a transfer with Billy's help, stay with Niska and Sam till it's time to come home," Charlie says with a soft smile." Thank you, Dad, I-I love you," Emilia says shyly." I love you too, Cora not home tonight she's working how would you like to watch a movie with me later on?" Charlie says.

"I'd love to," Emilia smiles brightly." Okay good, look I've got to get back to work and sort your transfer out but I'll speak to you later," Charlie says before hanging up," Okay bye Dad," Emilia says hanging up the phone.

Niska returns as does Sam with the boys." So everything okay kiddo?" Niska asks with a smile." Dad sorting out school so I'm staying here till it's time to go home," Emilia says with a smile.

Embry made his way over to Emilia hugged her softly and kissed her head." When is your birthday by the way?" Embry wonders." 26th of March I'll be thirteen and I want to go bowling," Emilia smiles brightly." I'll take you bowling if ya like to?" Embry says with a smile." Yes please," Emilia smiles brightly.

"Embry, take Emilia home," Sam tells Embry." Emilia, you can come back this weekend," Sam says with a smile." Thank you, Sam," Emilia says with a smile." You can meet Max and Cara this weekend too as they are coming around this weekend," Jared says with a smile.

"Can't wait to meet them," Emilia smiles and Embry puts his hand out for Emilia to take and the two walk to the Swan residence together." It's Bellas's birthday today and Alice told me I should go, I told her no," Emilia tells Embry."That's my girl, don't go to their house as you need to be safe," Embry says with a smile on his face.

"Like I'm gonna go there, I have my pack now and my dad, "Emilia says with a smile. Embry smiles at her," You know I'll wait for you don't you?" Embry says." I know you will and I can't wait for the future," Emilia says shyly smiling.

Embry smiles and they continue their journey to the Swan residence where Charlie is waiting for Emilia and Embry." Hey Mila, Em, good to see you again Embry," Charlie greets the two.

"Emilia I've sorted school out you start next week," Charlie winks. Emilia grins happily," starts where?" Embry wonders." I'm coming to your school!!" Emilia jumps up and down.

Embry grins and hugs Emilia," Yes!! Now I can look forward to school as I have my favourite girl with me," Embry grins." Now we can hang out all day," Emilia grins.

Charlie smiles at their interactions," Right you get home as it's nearly dark out and you get inside so we can have pizza and fries and watch a new film that's come out," Charlie says with a smile.

Embry nods and the two say goodbye to one another. Charlie and Emilia head inside just as Bella heads out." Emilia, want to come with me?" Bella asked with a smirk.

"No thank you, not my scene," Emilia says walking by Bella. Bella scoffs and leaves for the Cullens' home as Charlie does Pizza, and fries and sets the movie up for dad and daughter time.


Chapter 11 is done ✔️ Emilia and Embry have the cutest relationship going 🥺

Ready for more?

Who is okay if Embry asks Emilia out by the end of eclipse? She'll be 13 and he'll be 16 👀

Bree and Grace enter the book in chapter fourteen‼️

Emilia goes to the pack house next chapter and meets Max and Cara Paul and Jared imprints!!

Emilia Dywer- Embry Call Fanfic 🐺Where stories live. Discover now