⚙️Chapter Twenty-five⚙️

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The pack agreed to help with the newborn battle but the Cullens were to never bother them ever again. They had to go for training, and Brady, Grace, and Colin stayed behind as they weren't going to be involved with the battle at all.  Seth was at home with Sue giving her some company.

Bree and Emilia made it clear if their imprints were involved so were they.
They were all heading to the woods to meet with the Cullens." Welcome," Carlisle says with a smile.

"Jasper here has much experience with newborns." How do they differ from yourselves?" Sam thinks with a look.

"Since newborn vampires still have their human own blood lingering in their bodies, they tend to be physically stronger and faster than us, with sharper senses," Jasper tells them.

Jasper gets started on the lessons as the pack watches on from the sidelines. The training went pretty well as they enjoyed watching Emmett vs. Jasper, Edward vs. Carlise, Rosalie vs. Jasper, and Alice vs. Jasper.

The training was going well, Bella tried to go edge closer  to the wolves and they growled every time." I suggest you make her back off before I make her," Sam spoke with clear authority.

Edward nodded," I apologize for her behaviour." He tells her."But I want to touch!" Bella whines out. Everyone leaves for home and they get ready for the battle that is coming up soon.

Niska has already done food for everyone that wasn't in the fight like Colin, Grace and Brady they were gonna watch over the imprints. Seth has just arrived at the house and immediately sits with Grace and plays Monopoly with her.

Emilia and Bree looked around and looked at the new vampires who were looking at them."Who are they?" The new vampire spoke." None of your concerns," Sam thinks. Edward translates," My apologies, I didn't mean to offend or intrude," The Male vampire spoke softly.

Emilia went to Embry and hid under him and Embry growled in protectiveness as Bree hid under Jake and Jake growled lowly at them. The pack leaves and Emilia shifts back with Bree by her side.

"That was awesome to watch," Emilia says." Agreed, they are weird looking the Cullens," Bree mutters as she snuggles into Seth's arms." The new ones were looking right at us did you see them looking right at us?" Emilia asks with a look.

"It's like they know us. I've never seen them before have you?" Bree wonders." Nope never have seen them before, they smell like they've lived longer than the Cullens," Emilia says as Bree nods in agreement.

"Maybe they've seen your type of shifters before," Niska suggests." Maybe but we are every one hundred years so it's possible," Emilia shrugs.

The pack all had dinner and Sam sent everyone home to rest up. Embry took Emilia to his house as they were going to have movie night.

"Be back here by eight pm as the Cullens said they'll be here soon on Saturday," Sam says with a soft look." Yes boss(!)" Emilia says with a smirk." Watch it missy," Sam says with a grin.

Emilia and Embry head off to his house and Embry is worried about the newborn army battle and Emilia getting hurt or killed by them." Emilia, will you please reconsider not coming along for the battle? As I don't want to see you harmed," Embry says sadly.

"I told you no. You are out there too! And I'm not gonna sit back and allow you to fight alone not without me! We are going to fight together as I'm not gonna sit here and wait for you to come home!" Emilia says firmly." Okay, you stay back with Bree and Seth then, at least I'm not losing you either," Embry says softly kissing her forehead.

"I promise you I will," Emilia nods and they head inside the house and to Embry's bedroom where he sets up Avatar for them to watch together before falling asleep in each other arms.

Chapter Twenty-five is done ✔️ Next up is the newborn battle but this ends differently 👀

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