Chapter 5

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The figure jumped slightly, turning to look at the doll and Nova's fox form. The figure stayed quiet. Angie floated into the figure's lap.

Angie: This is Donna. Donna, that's Nova.

Donna reached her hand down to let Nova sniff her fingers. Nova approached and sniffed Donna's hand, lightly licking her finger to show that she was okay with her.

Angie: Good. Now. Miranda said you could shift.

Nova knew that it wasn't a question, more like a command. She closed her eyes and shifted back to her human form, still wearing the hoodie and sweatpants Karl gave her. Angie's eyes widened at how gorgeous Nova was and Donna felt her face getting hot under her veil.

Angie: Well... That's... new.

Nova looked down, her ears pressing down and her tail going between her legs. Donna set Angie on the table, standing up. She was taller than Nova, standing at 5 foot 10 inches. Nova looked up at her veiled self, feeling slightly intimidated. Donna reached out and gently pat Nova's head. Nova's ears twitched and her tail swished side to side.

Angie: We told Miranda you'd be safe until Alcina came knocking. When she does, we have a plan to distract her.

Nova nodded, looking down. She felt like such a burden to everyone. Alcina was angry, the sisters were probably angry, too. Karl had wasted his time helping her and she felt like extra weight to Donna and Angie.

Angie: We know how Alcina can get. I'm not surprised she attacked you. What I am surprised about is you challenging her and scratching her.

Donna looked down at Nova quietly. Nova was so small compared to everyone, it made her look cute. Her ears and tail made her look all the more cute. Donna reached out again to pet Nova's ear. Her touch was gentle, like Bela's was. Nova leaned into the touch, feeling a sense of safety.

A few days passed and Alcina has yet to come looking for Nova. Nova had gotten used to the dolls always watching her, Angie was annoying but tried to be mindful of Nova's senses, Donna was quiet but always nice to Nova. Angie had warned Nova of the baby in the basement and to not go down there, even if and when she heard a baby crying. Nova was good at minding her business.

It was all going good until there was a loud banging on the front door. Nova froze and looked at Angie, her tail down, her ears flat. Angie motioned for Nova to follow her.

Angie: Go out the kitchen door. Miranda told Moreau that you might be dropping by and to keep you hidden from Alcina. Just go to the reservoir.

There was another loud bang. Angie floated to the door and opened it, distracting Alcina while Nova ran, in her fox form, to the reservoir. What Nova didn't know was that Cassandra was with Alcina and Daniela and Bela were searching the surrounding area. Nova blended in well enough but her scent wasn't hidden at all.

She ran as fast as she could while trying to remain unseen. She heard Bela's voice, the same voice that was always so gentle and soothing, and it almost made her stop.

Bela: I don't see her.

She heard Daniela's voice next. The same voice that always teased her.

Daniela: I smell her. It's going towards the reservoir.

Nova's heart pounded. If they knew she was going to the reservoir, she'd have to detour to throw them off. She decided to cut through the village. Her scent would fade in with the other scents and that'd give her time.

15 minutes later, she was in her human form, panting and tired. Her legs hurt and she was about to collapse. She made it to the reservoir, walking weakly to the boat house she saw. She knew there was a crow watching her, almost like a guardian.

She saw a hunched over figure walk out of the boat house and she almost gagged. She had never met the other Lords but she heard Alcina describe them and Moreau's description was to the point.

Moreau: You must be Nova. I was told you'd be coming by so I got some things ready for you.

Nova hesitantly walked up to him, her tail down, her ears flat. Her legs were shaking with exhaustion. Her bandaged wounds started bleeding again, her blood seeping through the gauze.

Moreau: You poor thing, you must be exhausted. I'll try and rebandage those for you.

Despite his appearance, Moreau was being very nice to her. Her ears lifted a little and she got closer to him. He led her into the boat house. There was a bed with blankets on it and food on the bed.

Moreau: I thought you'd be tired and hungry so, I got you some from the village.

Nova's tail swished slightly, her ears flicking up. She went over to the bed and sat down, sitting crisscross. Her tail curled around her.

Moreau: I didn't know what you'd like so I got a little bit of everything.

Nova just nodded as a thanks and looked at the food. She reached out and took the sandwich, which was meat and cheese. She took small bites. Moreau went back out to do a few things. Nova fell asleep after she finished the sandwich, curling up in a ball, her tail curled around her, her ears pressed down.

Nova was woken up by the sound of yelling. Alcina's yelling.

Alcina: Where is she?

Moreau: W-Who?

Alcina: Don't play dumb. You know who I'm talking about.

Moreau: I-

Alcina: The fox girl! Where's the fox girl? 

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