Chapter 15

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The girl that was crying and two of her friends got up and walked over to Nova.

Girl 1: Uhm.. hi. I-I...

Girl 2: Oh, my God, Layla.

Girl 1, Layla, sniffled.

Layla: Can-

Ethan: Yes. She'll let you.

Layla looked at Nova for confirmation. Nova nodded and Layla looked like she was about to cry again. She hesitantly reached out to pet Nova's ears, pulling back when her ears twitched.

Girl 2: Jesus, Layla.

Girl 3: Carmen, be nice. She's in the presence of a very cute girl.

Girl 2, Carmen, was going to say something but looked at Nova and blushed.

Carmen: Whatever.

Layla started petting Nova's ears again.

Layla: Oh, my God. They're so soft.

Ethan just watched with a smirk on his face. Nova didn't seem to mind it, even closing her eyes. Layla's other friends watched with smirks and giggles. Girl 4 and 5 walked over to their friends.

Girl 4: Sophia, you should pet her, too.

Girl 3, Sophia, looked at Girl 4 then shook her head.

Sophia: Nah. As soft as her ears look, nah.

Girl 4: Wimp.

Sophia: Shut up, Ava.

Girl 4, Ava, laughed. Girl 5 also laughed.

Ava: Wait. Where are you going?

Ethan: She's headed to Romania.

Girl 5: Oh, shit. Say less. So are we.

Ava: Yeah. You could sit with us.

Sophia: The last seat in my row is empty. You could sit there.

Ethan looked over at Nova with a raised eyebrow.

Ethan: I think she'd like that. She can get nervous when she's alone for long periods of time.

Girl 5: Sweet. My name's Victoria by the way.

Nova's ears flicked up and down twice. Layla had to walk away, crying because of Nova's cuteness. Carmen and Sophia had to go with her while Ava and Victoria stayed with Nova.

Ava: So, does she talk?

Ethan: No.

Victoria: She's mute?

Ethan: Yeah.

Ava: Aw, that's sad.

Nova shrugged, her ears relaxed and her tail flicking slightly. Ethan patted her shoulder.

Ethan: Her name's Nova.

Ava: Pretty name.

Victoria: Yeah. It's unique, just like you.

Nova's tail wagged and her ears lifted. Victoria and Ava smiled and laughed at how cute she was. Ethan smiled, too.

An hour passed and the plane started boarding. Nova had boarded with Layla and her friends, sitting between Sophia and Victoria. She didn't know them that well but they seemed like a nice group. The whole flight, Victoria let Nova rest on her shoulder.

When they landed 11 hours later, Nova walked out of the airport with Layla and her friends.

Layla: So, where are you headed?

Nova pulled her notebook out, the one Ethan had bought her from the airport's gift shop before the plane boarded.

"I don't know. I don't remember."

Layla: Oh. We could help you if you want.

Nova shook her head.

Victoria: You sure?

Nova nodded.

"I used to live here. I don't want to waste your time."

Ava: What a sweet girl.

Carmen: Well, I guess this is where we say goodbye then. It was nice meeting you, Nova.

Nova nodded. She watched as the group walked away. She waited a few moments before she smelled the air. She found Ethan's scent from 16 years ago and followed it. It was cold, as usual, and the snow was ankle deep. It didn't affect Nova at all. She shifted to her big fox form, her bags hanging from her mouth. She walked through the forest, following her and Ethan's 16-year-old scent back to the village.

When she was close to the village, she shifted back to her human form, putting her backpack on her back and carrying her duffel bag. She walked on the outskirts of the village so as to not get seen by anyone. She knew Miranda wasn't in control anymore but she didn't know if the Lords were still around. She went to the factory first and was relieved when she saw the lycans walking around. She walked up the path to the factory entrance, the lycans not minding her.

She snuck into the factory and headed to Karl's room. She saw him talking to some of the lycans, who didn't see her. She was focused on Karl and didn't see Sturm coming up behind her until its arm was around her waist. She jumped but didn't make any noises. Sturm's engine revved and its propellers turned. Nova's tail wagged and her ears perked up as she hugged Sturm back. Karl's attention was turned to Sturm and his eyes widened when he saw Nova.

Karl: Well, if it isn't my favorite fox.

Karl walked over and hugged Nova. She hugged him back.

Karl: Where ya been, fox? We missed you.

Nova pulled away from Karl and pulled her notebook out.

"I've been with Ethan and his family."

Karl: That's good. So, what're you doing back? Is Ethan with you?

Nova shook her head.

'No, he's not. I just got homesick. I missed Romania."

Karl: Even after everything with that supersized bitch and her feral daughters?

Nova nodded, her ears going down at the mention of the Dimitrescu family. Karl patted her head.

Karl: It's okay, Nova. You can stay with me if you want.

Nova shook her head.

"No. I have to go to the castle."

Karl: Mm. Okay. If you make it out alive, you can stay here.

Nova nodded.

Her and Karl hangout for about an hour before Nova left to walk to the castle. She was beyond nervous, her tail between her legs, her ears down. She gripped her duffel bag in her left hand, her right hand on her backpack strap. She was standing at the front gates to the castle, her breath coming in soft white puffs of white mist. She was tempted to go back to the factory but she knew she had to go into the castle.

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