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How much time had passed?

You continued to wander through the castle. Every room you entered posed no trick, no game. You were growing restless and tired of rousing suspicion, but you couldn't help but feel that Jareth was guiding you into a false sense of security.

Though, you tried to remain optimistic and to continue trusting him. If that's what it took to properly navigate the castle and find Tobey, then that's exactly what you forced yourself to do.

The sound of music became louder and louder, until eventually you entered what appeared to be a Throne Room.

It was large, and there were various shaped Goblins in every inch of the room. You peered around nervously, realising that they hadn't yet noticed your presence. Or, if they had, they didn't seem to care much.

A catchy drum beat made the Goblins dance freely, a blessing in disguise as you began slowly backing out of the room. Surely you weren't supposed to be here, and you had taken a wrong turn at some point? You wanted to trust that Jareth was leading you to the correct place, but he left no clues or physical guidance, only tricks and traps to trip you up if you took a wrong turn.

Then, just as you vanished from sight, your eyes caught sight of the colours red and white. You paused, fingers gripping the doorframe as recognition flashed in your eyes.

It was Tobey.

You gasped loudly, relief flooding through you. He was in the very centre of all the Goblins, sitting on the floor and looking very unsettled. He rubbed his eyes furiously, indicating that he wanted to sleep, but the ruckus caused by the Goblins was preventing him from doing so.

You didn't want to be seen by these Goblin creatures, but you couldn't just leave Tobey to suffer like this. As his babysitter, it was your duty to care and protect him while he was under your watch. You'd already failed to protect him from being snatched by The Goblin King, and you refused to fail in this very moment.

With no other choice, you began walking quickly into the room. The music scratched to a stop, and all the Goblins suddenly turned to face you. They seemed to ponder over your appearance, and then as if they shared a single mind, they launched into action and began charging at you with their small might.

You squealed as they started to tug and pull and push at your legs, arms and clothing. You fought to remain upright while they fought to drag you down. You twirled and twisted in their harsh grabs. Weirdly enough, their actions reminded you somewhat of young children trying to gain their mother's attention.

Tobey was abandoned in the middle of the room. He seemed to recognise you though, because from his position he made a grabbing gesture. You blinked through teary eyes at the distress on his little face, now seeing the dried tear streaks on his cheeks.

How long had he cried and wailed without comfort? How could The Goblin King leave him in the company of these Goblins?

You forcefully yanked your arm back and began pushing your way through the swarm, determined to get to Tobey as quick as you possibly could. The Goblins grabbed hold of your legs, attempting to seize you in place. But you were taller, and somewhat stronger. You broke your legs free and, slowly, step by step, you drew closer to the distressed baby.

Finally, you were just in front of Tobey. He reached up and you leaned down, gently lifting him from his underarms and protectively cradling him into your arms. Your fingers traced his face and head, checking for any injuries that he may have sustained while you were apart. But he was fine, safe and back in your arms.

Then, deliberate slow claps sounded from behind you.

You turned around, trying your hardest to ignore the Goblins that continued to cling on to your lower body. You were sure that if they could jump, they'd try and knock Tobey from your arms. You were thankful that they hadn't made any attempts to do that.

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