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"You are restless, my dear."

You paced throughout the throne room. Jareth sat on his throne with Tobey awake and babbling on his knee. Jareth wouldn't let you hold Tobey, as he feared you'd try and make a run for it the moment you had him secured in your arms.

Jareth leaned his head into his hand, which rested against the arm rest of his throne. He occasionally glanced up, amused with your consistent distress as you tried to accept your fate. His other hand held a glass ball, which held an image of Sarah as she continued to navigate through tunnels and turns.

"Sarah only has 4 hours left," you muttered aloud, to nobody in particular. You continued to look at the ever moving sand timer, and out the window which beheld Jareth's Kingdom. You fretted over the idea that Sarah and Tobey would be resigned to an eternal fate as Goblin's, forced to live under Jareth's malicious rule.

"You should rest," Jareth suggested, now lowering the glass ball to focus his attention on you. Sarah wasn't doing much else interesting; she had found herself stuck at one of Jareth's twists, setting her back at least another 15 minutes.

You glanced over at Jareth, then at Tobey, but you ultimately shook your head and brushed off his suggestion. How could you possibly rest right now? Sarah was navigating through something so dangerous, and Tobey was perched on the knee of a dangerous King. No, you couldn't rest like this, not until you knew for certain how this would all end.

With Sarah either defeating the Labyrinth, or with Sarah and Tobey turning into Goblins.

Jareth held the glass ball close to his face, and then he gently blew on it. It turned into a bubble, and it floated across the room. You spun on your heel to continue pacing, but froze in shock as the bubble popped in your face; glitter sprinkled over your eyes, and you sneezed immediately.

You used your sleeve to rub furiously at your face, to try and brush away the glitter. But all it did was cover your sleeve in the stuff. You glared over at Jareth, who continued to watch you with an amused smirk, like you were the most interesting person in the world.

"What was that for?" You grumbled, blinking rapidly to try and get the glitter out of your eyes. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt nor irritated your eyes. It did, however, create a smudge that begun to make you feel drowsy.

Jareth drummed his fingers into the arm rest of his throne. "You should rest," he repeated, his voice sounding extremely close to your ears.

You remained rooted to the spot, refusing to give in to whatever magic he had cast over you. You couldn't fall asleep, not when you needed to keep a close eye on the sand timer and ensure Tobey remained in your sight. Neither of them would be safe if you caved in and fell asleep.

"Don't fight it, [Name]," Jareth said softly, his voice causing you to close your eyes for longer than you had anticipated. Then, you could no longer feel the heaviness in your body, and it felt like you were floating.



It's the first thing you registered upon opening your eyes.

Then, you watched in amazement as bodies twirled and danced across the centre of the grand ballroom. It was draped in luxury; silk in every corner, crystals hanging and sparkling from the chandelier. Everyone wore a ballgown suited to royalty, and a masquerade mask settled over their faces.

You stepped slowly into the ballroom, remaining unnoticed and undetected. You turned your head to the left, catching your reflection in a golden-framed mirror.

Your gown was beautiful; reminding you of a princess from a fairy tale. You gently ran your fingers over the expensive material, fingers bumping against gemstones that blended seamlessly with the outfit. The dress was a dark blue, like the midnight sky. The sleeves were short and flowy, but your arms were covered by gloves that fit up to your elbow. Your hair was pinned half-up and half-down, with it curled and cascading like a waterfall over your shoulders. A dark blue crystal hung around your neck, and you found yourself gingerly touching the gem. You stared at the soft makeup that complimented your features, the way your lips shimmered from the gloss. A light dusting of glitter was sprinkled over your face and hair, making you sparkle under the light.

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