| Chapter 2 | New found friends

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Mae plays with the cats for a while until, one of the cats pounced and taps Mae's pendant and it suddenly glowed.......

When Mae opened her eyes and everything looks so big and the cats are at her eye level. She looks confuse at the time before

Mae stood silent for awhile and looked down to see her hands had turned into paws, she walks to the pond and sees her reflection on the water, cat she sees not her self, a cat with white fur and orange and brown spots.

A "hello there" came on from a cat, Mae's eyes widened as she stared at one of the cats. "And I--I can talk to cats?!" she screeched, her voice carrying a mix of panic and wonder.

The cat nodded, his tail flicking gently.
"Yes, you can. But just with us for now."

Mae's head spun with questions, but she managed to stammer out,

"I seemed to have forgotten to introduce myself," her voice a mixture of excitement and confusion.
"My name is Mae. Nice to meet you."

The cat perked up and nodded.
"Nice to meet you too, Mae, I'm Ukii"
he purred, his orange eyes sparkling.

Mae's heart raced with a blend of fear and excitement.
"So, wait, does this mean I can do all the things cats do? Can we play together?" she asked eagerly.

Ukii's whiskers twitched in amusement.
"Of course, Mae! Come on, let's play!"

With that, Mae and the cats dashed off, their laughter and playful meows blending into the sound of the countryside. They leaped, pounced, and rolled around, exchanging joyful meows and chirps, the bonds of friendship growing stronger with each playful moment.
As they played, Mae's heart fluttered with newfound joy. She wanted this feeling to last forever.

A crow perched on the branches slyly smiles as the cats played.

Mae, lost in the moment, sensed a faint movement among the trees but dismissed it as a trick of the light. As Ukii pounced from behind with a mischievous gleam in his eyes, Mae laughed with abandon.

| 11:54 am |

Mae's stomach rumbles she said that she'll play later after lunch. She turns back to human and went inside to asks if there is something to eat, the maids prepared her lunch. She asks the maids to come and eat with her, the maids thanks her for the offer they insist that they'll eat later.

She eats with a smile on her face.

She returns with more cat food, they gathered around and shared meals.
She leaves her cat friends eating and strolled around the garden. Not only cats inhabit here, but also birds, butterfly and different varieties of plants and flowers, her grandmother is really great at landscaping the garden.

She went back to her cat friends. She remembers she only turned into a cat when a cat pounces on her, she taps the pendant and.... Nothing happened. She tries multiple times, but nothing.

" Maybe it was only for 2 hours."

"Time flies huh" she pets the cats.

| 5:30 pm |

Her grandmother arrived. She greets her with a hug and told her that this necklace can Maka a person turn into a cat.
Her grandmother corrected her by saying it turns humans to animal base on their personalities.

The maid came she bowi " dinner is ready ma'am. " She escorted them to the dinner table.

May ask her grandmother if she always ate alone which her grandmother replied that sometimes she invites the maids, butler and security to come and eat with her, but most of the time she eats at her room while reading books.

"Oh well then, you my darling" she held Mae's hand

"it up, so you can get big and strong" she smiles.

May sity back at her chair and lets out a little burp" oh, excuse me"

The maids cleans up the table, Mae stood up to help them, but they refuses, Mae's grandmother asks her if she can help her with arranging the books at the living room.

Mae finds Three staks of book almost at the level of her knees. After they were finally finishes arranging the books Mae sat down near the window, she sees the lights from the near by house and town, she reached for the book on the coffee table she starts reading it.

Ukii jumps on to the ledge of the window and another cat jumps right after Mae opens in. Ukii sat on the sofa as the orange colored cat sits on her lap and covers her with her orange fur.

"I see you had already made cat friends " her grandmother exclaimed. She pets the cat on her lap

"What's your name kitty~?" Mae giggled

Mae reads a book while the orange cat purrs at her lap. The grandfather clock rings at 9:00, Mae's grandmother looks at it and asks Mae if she is sleepy and it was already getting late.

The cats follows Mae upstairs and into her room, the maid knocked at her door and asks to come in. The maid placed the tray of milk and cookies on bed table and gave the cats cat food and wishes Mae good night Mae smiles at her.

Ukii eats the cat food given and the orange cat jumps on to Mae's bed and starts grooming herself. The window closed shut, Mae stands and tries to open in.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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