25. Mumma 🥺

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Abhimaan's POV 

We were all hugging when I heard a very familiar voice from behind, "You guys forgot me." The voice said. Before I could turn, I heard my father say, "Radha?" and I was rooted on my place. I didn't turn. I wasn't sure as to how I should react.

I couldn't bring myself to turn around. Uncertainty gripped me, unsure of how to react or process this unexpected turn of events. My father's voice persisted, filled with disbelief, "Is it really you?" I felt a hand gently grasp mine, and when I looked up, it was Aradhna standing beside me, offering silent reassurance.

Her presence provided a sense of strength amidst the overwhelming situation. I watched as my father rushed to embrace my mother, and I could sense the siblings, filled with emotions, gathering around their mother, finally reunited after so long. Tears flowed freely, marking the culmination of an emotional reunion. But I couldn't find the courage to turn and face my mother, uncertain of what that moment might hold for me.

"Abhi," her voice trembled as she spoke my name, and in that moment, my resolve crumbled.

Her calling out to me was everything I'd longed for. Her presence, her voice, these were the elements I'd missed the most. Countless times, I yearned to hear her speak, to feel her embrace. I recalled those moments when I wished to run into her arms, to confide everything. Her absence shaped me into the cold, unyielding CEO I'd become. I had convinced myself she'd left me in this world, unaware that she'd been close all along.

"Mumma," I whispered, my voice choked with emotions, the word holding the weight of a lifetime's yearning and longing. Without a second thought, I rushed into her open arms. Tears cascaded down my cheeks, mingling with hers as we embraced. In that moment, it felt like time stood still, and nothing else in the world mattered.

"I never thought I'd get to hold you like this again," she murmured, her voice trembling with emotion.

"I missed you, Mumma," I uttered between sobs, my heart pouring out years of pent-up emotions.

She held me tighter, as if to assure me that she was here, that she'd never truly left. The room was filled with the warmth of a family reunited, the sound of quiet sobs punctuating the air. My siblings joined in the embrace, forming a circle of love and acceptance that had been severed for far too long.

Through tearful eyes, I saw Aradhna smiling, her gaze filled with understanding and support. Her presence had been my pillar of strength through it all.

"Welcome back, Ma." My voice quivered as I uttered those words, feeling an immense weight lifted off my shoulders.

"It's so good to be back home," she whispered, her fingers brushing away my tears.

My father's question hung heavily in the air, a silent plea for answers that had eluded us for so many years. "Where were you all these years?" he asked, his voice a mix of emotions—hope, confusion, and pain.

My mother's gaze lingered on him for a moment, and then she looked around at each of us, her eyes filled with a profound sorrow. "That night in Varanasi," she began, her voice wavering with the weight of memories, "those people, they took me away." She paused, trying to gather her composure amidst the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm her. "They wanted information out of me, information to destroy our country."

Papa's arms enveloped her, pulling her closer in a protective embrace as tears streamed down her face, a mix of relief at finally revealing the truth and the pain of reliving those harrowing memories.

"But Mumma, how could you give any information about our country?" Ayesha's voice trembled with disbelief and confusion, echoing the unspoken question in all our minds.

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