Ch. 13 ✨A Touch Of Comfort✨

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*One Week Later*
*Y/N's POV*

(A/N! Y'all this ASMR of Alastor is soooooo good😭 Listen to it while reading if you like!!!!)

I enter my apartment, slamming the door behind me before I drag myself to my bed and slam myself down, groaning in the blankets.

Well today was just a FAN-DIDDLY-TASTIC day...I had my boss going down my throat for some stupid reason, like I wasn't fast enough or something.

Gotta admit, I love working at the cafe, but the owner is a total bitch.

And to make matters worse, my fricking prescription AND my bottle of pills are missing!
I've torn my room apart three different times searching, but I was never able to find them.

I can't help but wonder if someone stole them? Maybe some weirdo? Or if I accidently dropped them somewhere out in town, but all those theories are highly unlikely.

They're probably just hidden somewhere in here, I just need to keep looking.
I'm definitely NOT going to get a new one, because doing that means I have to contact my old therapist, so yeah...hell no.

I'd much rather see Alastor's grinning face every night then go call that asshole of a therapist again.

And SPEAK of the devil himself!

Alastor appears before me, hands behind his back, smile on his face.
As. Always. I don't think I've ever seen him NOT smiling to be honest. I wonder if it hurts him, smiling all the time...

"Hello my dear! I-" he stops, seeing my soured face, "oh my, are you alright?"

"If you call getting yelled at by a bitch of a boss, getting cut off on the road three different times, AND losing my prescription for my pills, alright, then yes Alastor," I growl, "I'm just FINE and dandy..."

He doesn't respond, and I sit up, pressing my back against my bed frame as I look away from him.
"What are you even doing here?" I ask him, "is there a reason why you're always coming here uninvited?"

I know I'm being mean right now, but I don't care.
I'm certainly NOT in the mood to deal with anyone right now. I just want to be left alone.

He purses his lips, raising a hand to his chin.

"Hm, I see. I'm quite sorry your day wasn't too...appeasing." He responds.
I only make a grunting sound, before I feel my bed shift.
I quickly look over to see him sitting beside me, nearly four inches away from our shoulders touching.

"What are you-"

"My mother used to do this, whenever I would have a troubling day. Here," he glances at his shoulder. "Rest your head on my shoulder for a while..."

No way!!! I don't want to put MY head on HIS shoulder!
And if he could read my mind, he exhales a short breath before just PULLING me towards him, which does indeed force my head on his shoulder.

"Alastor!" I say, shocked, "I don't-"

"Hush now," he says, which for some reason does shut me up. "I'm trying to do a nice thing for you."

✨Only In My Imagination✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now