Ch. 15 ✨Window To My Past✨

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*One Month Later*
*Y/N's POV*

The month flew by too quickly. Its as if I blinked, and it was gone.
But it definitely was a good month, to say the least.

Jason and I have been getting together more and more lately, but just as friends, so that's something.

Work has been pretty busy, but a good kind. I was given a raise, so yay, lol.

I've learning more and more about my Astro Projection powers...supposedly, its something almost anyone can do, but you have to really be in a spiritual sense and be a grounded person to tap into it.

And to think that I might have been special...but hey, I'm kind of special.

And Alastor and I...well, we're doing pretty good. Our time spent together has become more of a consistent thing lately, and to be honest...something inside of me is growing.

Its almost like...I'm a little scared to say it, knowing full well that he's a demon, a monster, but...
I think I'm starting to like him. More then normal...
Like...I'm beginning to care for him on a deeper level.

No, no that's pushing it, this is NOT love! Its more or less a deep bond, a friendship bond, nothing more nothing less!

At least I hope that's what it is.
I mean...its not right! A human falling for a demon? It's sinful!

But to be honest, it might already be sinful just to associate with one of them, and consider them your friend.

I sigh, shoulders slouching forward. Nothing can ever be simple, huh?

I check the clock, seeing its already past six...still to early to go asleep.
I keep thinking Alastor is going to show up, but for some reason tonight, he hasn't.

Which worries me a little, he doesn't normally do that. I wonder if something is wrong? Or if he doesn't want to see me anymore...the thought of it makes my insides twist.

Calm down Y/N, I'm sure he'll have an explanation tonight when I see him.

So I lay back, close my eyes, and count some sheep.


"There you are," I say, approaching him in my dream state, "I was worried something happened."

Alastor turns, and faintly, he smiles, though it looks and feel forced.
"I do apologize, darling," he responds, before looking away, down at the grass beneath our feet. "I was...busy."

Something inside of me says he's lying, but he seems like the type to where if you call him out on it, something bad will happen.
So I go along with his lie, nodding and pursing my lips, wondering if maybe I should just leave him alone.

But what he does next surprises me.

"I have something to show you," he extends his arm, "shall we?"

I don't even hesitate for a second, because by now, I trust him enough to let him take me somewhere.
Besides...usually I pick the things we talk about or do, so tonight, I want him to be the one to do so.

✨Only In My Imagination✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now