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I went to the hospital in the morning without telling Chen Zhou and his TV colleagues.

  Logically speaking, she should buy a pregnancy test stick and test it before going to the hospital, but Qin Suyun couldn't wait any longer.

  The pharmacy was not open in the morning, and there was a chance that the pregnancy test stick would be black, so as soon as the lunch break came, Qin Suyun took the bus there I took a blood test from a community hospital closest to the TV station.

  The hospital is not big, so there are even fewer people checking it. When Qin Suyun went to do a blood test, she was the only one. The person who performed the test on her was an old doctor, who looked like he was in his fifties or sixties and looked friendly.

"You can come and get the results tomorrow morning." The old doctor drew Qin Suyun's blood and smiled at her: "The results will be placed on the table at the door. You can get it yourself then."

  Tomorrow? She felt that she could not wait for such a long time. Every minute now was suffering.

So Qin Suyun gritted his teeth and said with a shy smile: "Can you do it today? I want to know the results today, doctor?"

  Her time is very tight now. In just one week, she needs to seize the evidence of Chen Zhou's cheating and find a lawyer to help her with the lawsuit, so she doesn't want to waste any minute.

  There was no other specific information about Chen Zhou's cheating in the dream. By the time she found out, it was already after Xu Rong and Chen Zhou had obtained their marriage certificate, so she still needed to find someone for the relevant concrete evidence. help. And there is a big difference between being pregnant and not being pregnant——

 "If you're not in a hurry, just wait here and I'll give you a test now. The results will be available in two hours." The doctor was very talkative. She smiled narrowly at Qin Suyun and said, "If you need to go to work, you can I'll come here again in the afternoon."

  "I'll wait here." Qin Suyun took a deep breath and turned to call the editor-in-chief.

  Xu Rong is not going to work this afternoon, so there is no need for her to go to the TV station to pretend not to know. There should be no alarm in a short time. Even if Chen Zhou really finds out that she is in the hospital, he will probably only suspect that she is sick.

  Before coming, Qin Suyun thought about a lot of ideas about this child... In the dream, the reason why her future child would be silly and foolish was maybe just because she was too sad and poorly nourished at that time?

  Since I knew this in advance and took good care of myself and this child, maybe her son would be like Xu Rong's daughter, fat and smart.

  However, she and Chen Zhou had been using birth control before, so how could she get pregnant?

  Qin Suyun suddenly frowned, and she found that she seemed to have forgotten some important plot points.

  She thought of the last night with Chen Zhou in her dream - that is, after she agreed to divorce Chen Zhou, Chen Zhou seemed particularly excited that night. It seems that for this reason, neither of them took any contraceptive measures. Chen Zhou forgot about it, while she did not think about it at all because of the divorce the next day...

  Could it be the reason for last night? Qin Suyun's heart trembled and she felt a little dazed.

  When a woman is pregnant, she can usually do a blood test to find out whether she is pregnant within ten days. Coincidentally, in the past half month, she had been feeling uncomfortable, and the two of them had not been together.

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