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The rescue work in the village was urgent. Villagers on the mountain were also organized to look for those people who lost their way while cutting firewood and never came back.

  All post-disaster rescue operations in Wanxi Village were arranged in an orderly manner by the village chief and village secretary. As orders were implemented one by one, Qin Suyun could clearly see what Wanxi Village was talking about for the village chief and village secretary. With how strong the cohesion is, it is no wonder that after the end of the world, Wanxi Village can develop much better than other villages.

  When the government troops did not come to the rescue, Zhao Xingguo and Zhao Zhengde immediately led the villagers to rescue the people buried under the rubble, and asked the uninjured women and old people in the village to clean up what they could. Things to do, such as building several temporary shelters and collecting useful materials from the ruins.

 Many of the rice and noodles we had for dinner today were found in the ruins.

  Although these are the villagers' own food, some people helped to find the food supplies in the ruins. They only paid some of the food that was originally buried under the ruins, and they were still very willing. Without the help of everyone, they might not be able to dig out even simple supplies by themselves, let alone the food buried under the ruins.

  After all this, the villagers whose houses collapsed and their belongings were buried underground were also happy that those whose houses did not collapse, and the families who provided kitchens for everyone.

  It's not that they don't help, it's that there are too many people in the village. If they eat their food directly, their food will be exhausted in less than two days. But just borrowing firewood, stove pots and the like doesn't matter.

  Stoves, pots and the like are already readily available, but firewood and other things are in short supply in their mountains, but the firewood all over the mountains and plains is the most in short supply!

  Qin Suyun followed Zhao Xingguo, wondering where the last two people were buried? Looking back, Dahei and the others still couldn't find these two people...

  On a small road in the distance, the light of more than a dozen flashlights emerged from the mountain forest to the village. On this mountain road, which was almost at night, the appearance of more than a dozen white lights was simply incomprehensible. The method was ignored, and everyone subconsciously stopped their movements. Even Zhao Xingguo and Qin Suyun, who were about to go to the ruins, also stopped.

  "What's going on? What's going on over there?"

  "Is someone coming?! Did someone from above send someone to rescue us?!"

  "Is that the one sent by the government for rescue? But why did the other party come down from the mountain side? Shouldn't they come in from the main road in front?"

  "Is it because the main road in front is all blocked? But didn't Zhao Laowu and the others go to the county hospital from the front to help Zhao Fugui and the others find a doctor?..."

  The looming figures on the path and the flashing white light of flashlights caused all the villagers gathered in the village to explode. Everyone was staring at the crowd coming from the other side of the path, talking and discussing. Who are the people who come to the village?

  It didn't take long to walk from that path to the village. The other group of people walked back and forth for about seven or eight minutes. When the group of people reached their village, they were already in a panic. The crowd seemed to have suddenly been pressed on the pause button. Everyone stared at the group of people with wide eyes and surprise!

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