at last my love

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Arriving at Perth's apartment it was nearly thirty minutes after he called. I knocked three times and waited for him. I wondered what he could have possibly been so eager to tell me and why he wanted me to come over as soon as possible.

The door opened with the slight creak that it always makes. I saw his silly smile shining so brightly, then he opened his arms wide and jumped onto me while I was still at the door step. It was a warm embrace that was very comforting after a long day. He rested his chin on my left shoulder and squeezed me.

"Ah Perth Perth what is this? Someone might see us out here? Are you that excited?" I said, giggling a little. He kissed my shoulder and then sniff kissed my neck at the spot right below my earlobe.

He whispered in my ear, "I love you so very much, more than anything in the world. You're my everything, my sunshine, my sunset, my home, my comfort, my happiness..." Next, he looked at my face making my cheeks flush. "I want us to be together always. And I won't hid my love from anyone ever ever ever" he continued in a low volume.

He made my stomach feel tingly with butterflies. "Perth," was all I could mutter as I admired all the features of his face that were focused on me. He always makes me feel so dear to him. I want to make him feel this way too.

I brought a hand up to caress the side of his face. "Let's go inside you crazy tiger."

He pulled me inside and picked me up as he closed the door. My legs were dangling in the air with my face near his in the position of a bride. I laughed to him and wrapped my hands around the back of his neck. "You really are crazy," I said as I kicked my shoes off towards the doormat. He kept looking at me with those endearing and fierce eyes.

"You make me crazy like this. I love you so damn much!" He announced, as he carried me to his bedroom. I admired him some more, tracing his eyebrows, his eyelids, down his nose, and along his lips. This man is handsome and a surprise that I can't get enough of.

As we got to his bed he kissed my forehead. I felt my heart pounding from this sweet treatment. Then he laid me down on his bed at the side where he likes to sleep. His smirk made me blush even harder.

He laid on top of me kissing my cheeks probably ten times each. He smiled down at me, "I've got something exciting to tell you," he said with more excitement in his voice.

I raised my eyebrows and looked at him, waiting for his news. He was grinning so widely, I wonder what it could possibly be?

"Uhhh," he began with a high pitch in his voice, then he suddenly buried his face into the crook of my neck. He rubbed his face into me. I could feel his hot breath and a smile as he meekly squealed from the excitement. This sound threw me off since I've never heard him like this before.

"Babe, tell me, tell me, tell me," I finally said.

He lifted his head up and looked at me with pinkish cheeks and a restless expression. "Nanon knows that you're my- that we are toge- no that we're in a relationship," he said with the same eagerness he had on the phone. But I was stunned. My face probably didn't move as I tried to comprehend what he just said. Then Perth continued, "we talked it out kind of, we yelled a little, but he said he's fine with it. Can you believe that?" He said with a smile and a cute giggle.

This was unbelievable, even though I still have so many questions, I kissed his chin. "How? Per, you need to tell me more? What do you mean he's fine with it? You two didn't fight, did you?" I asked with some unease.

Perth told me the whole story of earlier in the day which began at the university and then at my apartment when he confronted my bro. I was so shocked by everything that occurred without my knowledge of it. I was sad that Per was distressed all day. I was also frustrated that Non knew about me and Perth and yet he still made us think he was aggressively against any possible relationship between us.

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