53 Prince Aparajith Vs Aparajith

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Part 53 Prince Aparajith Vs Aparajith

Rudra Pratap pointed the gun at Arnav.

"Prince Aparajit, I know you are very smart but not to this extent...! You have not changed a bit. You are the same as we met you. How beautifully you have connected the dots even when you are at the gun point... well done...! " Rudhra Pratap cackled.

"What is all this uncle? Why are you doing this?" Shashi asked.

"What else? Everything is for money...! I and Nayak have been waiting for this for so long..."

"That means are you guys partners in crime?"

"To get the sand clock from your family, we have to become partners in crime"

"I thought you were a gentleman," said Khushi.

"I would have been a gentleman if your grandfather had not cut off my friendship"

"My grandfather would not have been cut off from your friendship without any reason. You would have disappointed him in some way. That's why he should have cut off your friendship. He even took you to the Mauriyan Empire with him. That hints that he trusted you at the beginning" Khushi said furiously.

"Haan, he trusted me...! it's not my mistake. Why did I accompany him to the Mauriyan Empire? Did I go there to look around the town? I went there only to bring precious things. Do you know how expensive those things are...? Millions... even Billions... I just tried to take Prince Aparajit's signet ring from him. Your grandfather became angry with me as if I did a crime. Who won't do that? Any Time Traveller would not like to miss such a great opportunity of getting a signet ring"

Arnav looked at him in loathly.

"Prince Aparajit accepted you ask his friend. Stealing his signet ring was not a crime?" Khushi asked furiously.

"He was Prince Aprajith. A Signet ring was not a big deal to him. He could get many more signet rings if he wanted. What harm if I take one? Your grandfather didn't even allow me to take the signet ring from him even after his death" Rutra Pratap said annoyingly.

"Did you try to steal his ring after his death too? What a man you are! This is why my grandfather cut his friendship off from you..." Khushi said furiously.

"Yes, he stopped sharing about the Sand clock and his experiences about Time Travel with me. He started vanishing often for many days. I knew he became rich only because he was time-traveling to many eras but he didn't even let me take things from Aparajit and stopped taking me with him. Is that right?"

"I don't know what my grandfather did. I would have considered your statement if you are a genuine person but you are a cheater. I won't trust your word about my grandfather"

"Okay, don't trust me. Who cares?" he smirked wildly.

"Why are you wasting time, talking unnecessarily? However, we are not going to trust you...! Tell me, what do you want?" Arnav asked him.

"I'm not talking unnecessarily. I respect you. That's why I'm telling you all of this because I don't want you to die without knowing the reason for your death"

"Everyone will die one day. Prince Aparajith is not a coward to fear death. In fact, he would have died a long ago. Because of Khushi, I'm alive today. I think to give my life to Khushi only I'm still alive. I'm proud to give my life to her. I always wanted to die in the war field but now, this death will give me the same satisfaction. Tell me, what do you want? Sand clock?"

"Not only the sand clock... Your sword... your signet ring... Your ornaments... Whatever you have... And the chain that was in Khushi's neck"

Arnav looked at Khushi shockingly who was also in shock because it was her mangal sutra.

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