55 About the Change

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Part 55 About the changes

Rudra Pratap shot his grandson, making all of them shocked to the core.

"Are you that greedy to kill your grandson?" Arnav asked loathly.

"Prince Aparajith, have you forgotten the power of the sand clock? I will bring my grandson back with the use of The Sand clock, just like, how Khushi brought her parents back" he said pointing the gun at Arnav.

Arnav got his point.

"Prince Aparajith, give me the sand clock. This is a gun. If the bullet penetrated you, you will die immediately. So, don't try to play any of your tricks on me"

"Arnav, give it to him..." Khushi said.

"Yes, Prince Aparajith, more than the sand clock, your life is important to us," Shashi said.

"See, how your father-in-law is feeling sad...! Give it to me" Radra said.

Arnav looked at Shashi who gestured something to Khushi that had gone unnoticed by Rudra.

Arnav understood the father and the daughter were up to something. So, he extended the sand clock to him.

"I'm not that idiot to take it from you. Don't I know what will you do if I come close to you? Keep it down,"

Arnav bent down to keep it on the ground. That was when Shashi said,

"Police came..."

Rudra jerked and looked behind. In no time, Khushi rotated her leg in the air and shrugged the gun from his hand. The gun fled into the corner of the room. Rudra was shocked about the change of the scene. He tried to run away from there, but Arnav was faster than him. He came in front of him, blocking his way. Taking his sword, Shashi threw it to him, using his full strength. Catching it, Arnav aimed it at Rudra. It came out penetrating his chest. Rudra fell to the ground. The man who wanted Arnav's sword to become rich met his death, having the same sword in his body.

Arnav pulled the sword from his body. Rudra let out a deep sigh and his soul freed from his body with the sigh.

"How greedy this man is" Garima said.

Arnav looked at Shashi and said,

"You too come with us to my kingdom. You don't have to be in this era where there is no justice"

"We can't come with you, Prince Aparajith"

Cutting him,

"But why Babuji? How would you be alone here? Why should you be alone without anyone?" Khushi asked.

"Have you forgotten your father is a teacher? We could not leave our responsibilities here. I'm a teacher. I would like to teach good things to kids. The society needs it more." Shashi said

"As per the rules of the sand clock, nothing can be changed. I don't know what will happen if we go back" Arnav said worriedly.

"Nothing will change those were created by Khushi until she is with you... everything will change only if she gets separated from you and comes back to the modern era. If she is with you, the changes will remain the same. I suppose" Shashi said.

"But, the police may question you about this assassination" Khushi said.

"No one saw them bringing us here. I and Garima were on the way from our village to our house. We just got off the bus to have dinner. These guys brought us here. According to our neighbors, we went to our village. So, no one will doubt us"

"But, what will you tell people when they raise questions about me?" Khushi asked.

"We will manage"

"How will you manage, Babuji? This is why I want you to come with us"

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