Mr. Mom

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One Week Later
May 1st; 2026
Taylor Swift's Point of View
Travis and I learned the hard way Viola knows how to get out of her crib now. Now when I mean the hard way, I mean one of the hardest ways a parent can learn...By having their toddler walk in on them having sex. Since ViVi is almost two she is getting to the age where we could transition her to a toddler bed if we felt she was ready. Since she's been making jailbreak the last week we decided we should start. Plus we can use her crib for Ducky so it makes everything easier in the end.
I've been asking Travis what he wants to do but he keeps deflecting. I gave him until April 30th so he should have it figured out by now. I'm just going to have to ask him at some point today what his plan is. Hopefully, he plans to stay and he's doing something besides moping around.
Today is the pregnancy announcement day and I haven't told anybody except Tree, Travis, Kylie, and technically Viola. So all the family is coming today and we are telling them about Ducky. Jason is coming with Kylie and the girls. Both Travis's and my parents are coming as well as Austin. I'll tell other friends and family later but I want my immediate family to be told first.
The entire house is ready and cleaned up. Travis got some hotdogs and hamburgers to grill and I prepared some appetizers. Kylie said she'd bring a dessert so it all works out. It's a surprisingly nice day out so I know the kids will be excited to play together. Bennett and Viola get along the best due to being the closest in age as Bennett is only a year older. They love to play games on ViVi's playground outside and color together. They love coloring on the playground well.

I'm 19 weeks pregnant so my bump isn't huge yet but it's getting hard to cover up. My outfit today is very baggy to conceal my bump. I don't know how well it's working but I also have plans on hiding behind counters and remaining low as long as I can. I'm a celebrity, I wear weird outfits sometimes, right? Right? Oh god, they're going to know right away. What if they react poorly? We're still not married or even engaged. My leg starts to bounce up and down as I sit on the couch. My anxieties start to build up as I think of everything that could go wrong.

"Hey, why are you doing the leg thing? What's bothering you?" Travis points to my shaking leg and I instantly stop.

"It's not always out of anxiety!" It's true. It's just a habit I have but when I'm nervous my leg is shaking.

"Taylor, you know that it's going to be okay? They're going to be so stoked that we're having another baby."

"At least Kylie already knows." I sigh with my hands in my face.

"When did you tell Kylie?!" Travis asks. Fuck me. Why couldn't I have just stayed quiet?

"You know, let's put a pin in that conversation and talk about that some other time because we're going to have guests over soon." I don't want to get into a fight. Him knowing Kylie knew weeks before him will inevitably piss him off. He already went so long without knowing. Travis sits down next to me and sighs. He tries to collect his words whilst comforting me.

"You told her before me...It's okay, Taylor. I didn't deserve to know. I was an asshole and didn't deserve Ducky, you, or Viola. I didn't deserve any of it." All of that counterfeit pride was dropped and he finally showed humility.

"She's known for almost two months but you deserved to know before her. I should have told you sooner. Withholding that made things worse for us and endangered Ducky. My fear was irrational compared to the risks. I'm sorry." I finally admit my wrongdoings to him and apologize.

"Me too and I'm so sorry for how I treated you." He apologizes and puts his hand on my thigh. "I know you've been trying to ask me what I want to do now and I've been beating around the bush. I know what I want I'm just not sure if I'll have your support."

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