1- Adoption

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Stiles stood in front of the pet store. His father, Noah was determined to get him a service animal to help with his son's anxiety. So here they were, at the pet store. Stiles was reluctant but he agreed to ease his Dad's mind. Scott went with him, which Stiles thought was a bad idea because he might irritate the animals for what he is.

"I think it's a good idea, Stiles," Scott agrees with Noah as he holds the door open for his friend.

Stiles shrugs, walks through the door aimlessly walks around for a bit. Then he lands eyes on a black cat who is sitting calmly in a cage. She was licking her paw. The cat seemed to notice Stiles' wondrous stare and gazed back at him. She blinked slowly and let out a soft meow.

The unnamed cat wanted to befriend Stiles; Stiles was the first one who gave her attention. She knew it was because her fur was black, and that humans had superstitions on her type of fur. As she wasn't a cat, she was a werecat.

"I want that one," Stiles mumbles to himself. This causes the cat's ears to perk up. She rubbed her fur-covered body against the metal cage door, purring loudly as she was happy for her new friend. Or perhaps she should use 'owner'? Okay, that was weird, definitely not. But yet deep down, she wasn't opposed to it.

Scott winces when a few of the cats hiss at him. He was nervous- that was until he saw his friend gawking at a black short-haired cat. "This the one?" Scott asks with a small grin. Stiles glances behind him at Scott as he nods.

Soon Stiles bought her and gave her a little service animal harness. The unnamed cat was confused but complied. Once it was on she glanced to Stiles and meowed. Stiles chuckles and rubs her head which causes the cat's eyes to close with satisfaction. "Oh, you like that?" Stiles asks, his voice a few octaves higher. Scott has him a look and Stiles grumbles out "Leave me and my queen Stella alone."

Stella; what a nice name for me, the werecat thought.

Noah laughs a hearty one. "See, I told you would enjoy having one! Now we have to train her so she can be a professional!"

Stella was nervous. She knew what this red vest meant. She knew that she was now going to work. This is not what she signed up for when she changed into a cat and let herself be caught- but Stiles seemed intriguing so maybe she should comply.

Stella meowed to Noah and he went to touch her. She backed up and Stiles slapped his father's hand. "She's working." Noah smiles but puts his hands up in defense. All the while, Scott was examining Stella's every move.

Quick, play cat, Stella thought.

Stella plopped to her side and began licking her paw. Stiles giggles and picks her up, positioning herself on her back. Stella let out a squeaky meow in surprise. She cuddled into his arms, trying to get used to the feeling of being held.

"Look at her! She's adorable!" Stiles laughs happily.

The employee giggles at Stiles' excitement as she finishes the last few items they bought. "That one is extremely smart! She was rescued from the streets a few weeks ago... She willingly walked up to the rescuers, walked straight to them, and waited for them to follow her to help her cat friends."

Stella reminisced on the memory. The other cats weren't her friends, but she knew they needed help so she led the rescuers to them. Along with another abandoned house with a muddied-up Labrador puppy that hid under the porch.

The employee told the three the story. Stella sat there, eventually hopping down on the counter. Scott squinted at Stella in suspicion but continued to listen to the polite employee. Stella scratched at her harness, tugging at it with her hind foot and swiftly pulling off as it wasn't fully latched.

Scott points and giggles at her and begins to put it back on. She swats at him, her claws not extended to not hurt him. It hurt him but not physically. He retracted with a hurt face. She meowed softly as a sorry.

Stiles watches the interaction and chuckles. "I don't think she likes you."

"She's going to have to get used to me; I'm your best friend."

Stella meows and grabs the harness with her mouth. She throws it at Scott's feet and meows once more. He picks it up and begins to put it on her once more. Then he notices that the latch was lodged and he laughs and points it out to Stiles.

"Is that why you kicked it off?"

Stella meowed.

"Boy, she is a smart one," Noah breathes in shock.

Yeah, I'm smart, I'm fucking conscious, Stella thought. Instead, she meowed as Scott latched the harness and gave one last overview to check if it was 100% latched.

Since it was completely latched Stiles latched a leash onto the collar and she meows in annoyance. She didn't like this part but she knew she had to get used to it.

Started: 12.26.23
Last edited: 12.27.23
Published: 12.27.23

Emotional Support | Stiles Stilinskiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें