12- Asked Out

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After the fun the three had, they had to get ready for school much to Stiles' displeasure. He had begged her to stay home with him so he could take care of her more. She declined because she didn't want to take away his education.

Stella fell into a daze after as well. Even in her cat form, she relaxed into a daze where she was extremely affectionate. Stiles noticed this and teased her for wanting to be in his arms or his lap.

They were at school which meant she was in cat form. She was on his lap purring softly as he petted her head. He was paying attention to the Coach, who was the teacher for the day because the other was sick; the Coach was using his free period to stay with the students.

"Is that a cat, Stilinski?" Coach asks finally with an eyebrow raised. His eyes were also bugged out of his skull, Stella was almost positive they could fall out if he pushed them out more.

A girl spoke for him. "That's his service animal," She says with shrewd sass.

Coach Finstock smacks his gum in his mouth and glances at the girl and back to Stiles. Stella then put her paws on the desk and peeked over the wooden desk. She meowed softly, her tail swaying and wrapping around Stiles' forearm.

He coos at the cat and clears his throat. "What's her name?" Coach asks with curiosity.

"Stella," Stiles answers. Stiles then drops his lead pencil on his desk. It rolls off and Stella catches it quickly with her paw. She swapped at it until it stayed in the middle of the desk on his paper.

"Did you train her?" another girl asks. Stella hisses at her as she is giving Stiles heart eyes. Stiles smirks at Stella before he forces it into a cheeky smile.

"Yes, I did. But she seems to not like girls that much for some reason."

Stella blinked at him and swatted his hand playfully. She swatted his pencil to get him to pick it up. She tapped his paper at a question that was left unanswered. "Thanks," he whispers before he jots down an answer.

The class fills with whispers. "Did that cat just help you with an answer?" Coach inquiries.

Stiles smirks. "Yes, Coach; I trained her to stop empty questions; as well as hissing at people who make my anxiety go haywire."

Coach laughs loudly and jumps with joy at his student. "That's amazing!"

Now the whole class was staring at him and Stella caught the cue. She hissed at Coach who had screamed and a few girls who were whispering behind him to their friends. She swatted the air in their direction and then rubbed against Stiles' chest. Her tail wraps up his neck as she plops down and nudges his hand. He starts petting her and he kisses her head as if telling her good job.

"Can you train my dog?" Coach asks curiously. He was quite curious, was he always like this, Stella asked herself.

Stella jumps down and digs into Stiles' open bag and hands him a fidget toy that she had stuffed in there earlier that morning. "Where did you get this? I've been looking for this for days," he grabs it and twists it around his fingers. The toy was just a tangle it morph into different shapes. She meows and plops back down onto the desk as he answers the last question on his paper. Stella nudges Stiles' hand and looks to the coach.

He had forgotten that the coach had asked him a question. "Oh, uh- I don't do well with dogs, ask Scott that, he's better with dogs," he shrugs nonchalantly.

Scott shakes his head who is next to him. "Don't throw me under the bus like that," he quips quickly sounding a bit belligerent. Stella snaps her head up and hisses. "Sorry, didn't mean it sounds that way." Stella meows and lays her head back down. "But yeah, I guess I'm better with dogs than he is," he admits.

Yeah, of course, you are, you're a flipping alpha werewolf, Stella thought.

Subsequently, the bell rings and Coach Finstock yells. "Class dismissed, don't forget lacrosse practice is tomorrow!" Stella saw a glimpse of blue put the window. Stella runs and jumps off of Scott's back to jump on the ledge where the windows lay as it is a bit high. She meowed to Stiles and he slung his backpack over his shoulder. He picks her up, his hand going between her cat legs and resting on her chest to hold her properly. "Yes, Stel, that's our Roscoe," he chuckles before looking at his shocked friend.

"She just wall-jumped off my back!"

"You should see her at three am," Stiles says nonchalantly.

Scott gave him a confused expression. "What does she do at that hour?"

"She sleeps, what else would she do?" Stiles quips with a smirk. Scott shakes his head as they walk the halls.


The day went fast, and Stella was thankful. Today Stiles had gotten more attention from people and she was starting to get jealous for some unknown reason. Especially one specific sassy girl who kept trying to talk to him. Each time she would just hiss at her. Swatt at her. Anything to her ability. Next time she swore she was going to scratch the hell out of her.

Stiles and Stella were walking to his jeep as it was the end of the day when they got interrupted by the same girl. "Hey! Stiles! wait up!"

Stiles turns to look at her. Stella meows vexed that she is near him again. She started at the blonde girl, with bright blue eyes. Her hair was in a ponytail, the same one Stella wanted to yank and pull her to god knows where. She had tan skin, one that Stella recognized as fake tan. They were in California, go get a real tan, Stella thought.

The girl bit her lip with nerves and pulled back a strand of hair behind her ear. Her body language portrayed nervousness. "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date sometime..."

Stella internally rolled her eyes and hissed at her again. "I'm sorry but Stella seems to not like you."

"I thought it was because I made you nervous..."

Fucking Megalomaniac, Stella thought.

Styles squints and picks up Stella and starts petting behind her ears to ease his mind and hers. "No; you don't. And besides I have a girlfriend," he answers. When he said this the girl's face dropped with blue.

Stella hisses once more and pounces at her and she jumps back. Stella doesn't leave Stiles' side: she just wants to scare the girl off, who now looks like she is tearing up.

Stella meows. She felt guilty for making her cry, but she was interfering with Stiles. The girl walks off and she glares at Stella, something that Stiles didn't catch. That made all of her guilt wash away.

Why would you glare at a cat anyway, Stella thought. Yet again, she did pounce, Swatt, and hiss at her.

What a strange girl, Stella thought.

Stella then felt hands pick her up again. "You naughty girl, you made her cry."

To anyone else, it sounded like he was scolding her cat but it was different. It was more intimate to her, teasing if anything.

He gets in the jeep and hands her his jacket he just took off. "We're going to Derek's. I have a pair of clothes for you in the back if you want to get changed when we get there."

The jacket was covering her body. When he drove off she changed into her human form and zipped on the jacket. Stiles glanced at her while driving and smirked at her. He was eyeing her as she zipped up the jacket. More like her breast.

Written: 12.30.23
Last edited: 12.31.23
Published: 0.18.24

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