14- Instruments

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Stiles and Stella eagerly made their way up to Derek's flat. There were many stairs, much to Stiles' displeasure who kept whining about the steep steps. As soon as she stepped in, her nostrils flared as she sensed a familiar scent that had been etched in her memory by heart. Derek was like her big brother to her, and the mere thought of seeing him again made her heart skip a beat.

Stella inhaled deeply, taking in the familiar scent as she scanned the room. Suddenly, she saw movement to her right and darted towards it. She flung herself onto Derek, hugging him tightly as she exclaimed, "I haven't seen you in so long!"

Derek caught her with ease, holding her tightly to his chest as he kissed her forehead. "How have you been, kit-kat? He asked, his voice filled with genuine excitement that had caught Stiles off completely- The whole interaction did.

Stiles let out a scoff, jealously emitting from his pores and bombarding Stella's nostrils. Her nostrils flared once more as she recognized the sour smell. She quickly let go and held Stiles' hand so he could calm and the jealousy and anxiety soon evaporated into the air. "You remember how a family had taken me in and taught me how to properly be a were-being?" Stella quizzes them to get him to remember their conversation.

Stiles let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding, his mouth falling open and catching Stella's remarkably glowing eyes he loves. "Oh, I thought you were going to say you dated my cat or something," he grumbles with a slight territorial tone.

Derek's glaze hardens toward the teenage human. "Your cat?" Recepricates Derek to confirm what he just heard. Stiles then stammered and sighed deeply before Scott walked in and saved the day by helping his explanation.

Meanwhile, Stella wandered off to an old piano that sat at the edge of the room and lifted the keyboard cover to reveal its beauty. It was quite dusty, but it looked familiar to her, like her mother's piano- which had belonged to Derek's mother's mother, and had helped Stella escape- But she knew her as Amara rather than Stella.

She began to play a tune she heard from Stiles' laptop. l while he studied She assumed it was a simple song but after she had finished the song with such elegancy and claps from behind her she was proud.

"Is that the study song I listen to?" Stiles asks after they have stopped clapping. On the other side, Derek was smiling as he knew his mother, Talia had taught her how to play a bit of piano.

"I'm surprised you still remember how to play, Mars."

Stiles squints at the beefy werewolf that stands next to him. "Mars?" Once again Jealousy reeled off of him. Stella pulls his hand to sit at the piano with her. She played another song to distract him from his jealousy of Derek. 

After a bit of keys Stiles' laughs, he knew the song she was playing as Rasputin. "I didn't know I had such a talented cat," he jokes as his hand rubs her knee in a teasing way. Stella doesn't stop her fingers and responds with a quick quip. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Sti."

He watched her hands move effortlessly, her fingers hitting the keys with such precision that he was sure he could listen to them move and watch them for hours.  "Can you play Scrawny?" Stiles asks. She nods and tries a few keys then plays it. He smiles at her, his hand snaking around her waist to pull her closer to his body.

"Hands off her, Stiles," Derek warns. Stella shakes her head and tells him to shut up which stuns him.

Stiles pipes in, "She's my kitty," hums proudly as he pulls hair behind her ear. He kisses her shoulder as she plays yet another song: Rush E. "There's so way you can play this," Stiles states with a shocked face. Stella winked at him, her fingers pressing the keys as she looked him in the eye. "Don't doubt my ability, hon," she says doing the next bit faster.

Stiles watches her, his hand slithering under the jacket she wore. He just wanted to feel her skin, as it made him feel more calm. As soon as his hand came in contact, his heartbeat calmed a bit but flickered when he noticed Derek watching him with intent eyes.

Soon she finished and she looked to Stiles. "You're heartbeat is racing still, are you okay?" She whispers with concern. He nods with a slightly sly smile.

Truth be told he was thinking about kissing her again. To hold her and kiss as she played the piano. He wanted to know if she could multitask, to take his mouth on hers and play the piano.

It took a second to realize that they both were staring at each other. They got pulled out of their staring by hearing a stifled snicker from Scott. She smiles and kisses his cheek. She was focusing on his heartbeat: it skipped a beat and began racing. She chuckled and kissed his cheek again. "Your heart is racing again," she states again but in a monotone.

Derek chuckles covering his mouth for a second to wipe his humoured grin.

"I think it's because you kissed him... I don't know, though, not for sure," Scott laughs sarcastically.

Stella gave him a cheeky grin. "I know."

She turned a bit, not having much room on the small piano stool, she placed her leg on Stiles' knee so she could see Scott better. Stiles sucks in a breath but places his hand on her thigh to keep it there. She played another song, wanting to play some more. 

Song after song she played, the boys were shocked. One: She knew so many songs. Two: She played so well! After one very shocking song, Derek asked her if she still remembered how to play guitar; He taught her. Stell nodded. "I remember everything; I don't just forget anything."

Derek smirked playfully before walking off. He came back soon after with a guitar. She instantly went to grab it, testing how tuned it was, listening intently to make sure her ears weren't mistaking her. "is this the same one you taught me on?" Derek hums a yes. "Cool," She strummed it a bit and began to play a song.  

"Is that green day?" Scott asks with a smile. Stella nods, "Good Riddance: Talia liked it when I played it." 

Talia didn't just love it when she played this song. She quite enjoyed all the songs she learned and played for her. It became nightly for her to play things for Talia because she enjoyed it so much. Cora also enjoyed it and requested a few songs, but didn't request as much as Talia or  Derek. 

Stella has always been able to replicate sounds with instruments. She could listen to a song once and replicate it with the few instruments she knows how to play. That being piano, guitar, and drums. Peter had gotten her into the drums as he had gotten her a set to learn. Ahh, how she wished she still had that set of drums. But she enjoyed the piano more. Don't tell Peter that.

Written: 01.04.24-01.18.24
Last Edited: 01.18.24
Published: 01.18.24

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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