Chapter Twenty - Seven

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Warning: Explicit content in this chapter. Please proceed with caution.

Aurora awoke concussed with a throbbing headache and a dull ache gnawing at the pit of her stomach once she opened her eyes and tried to look around and see where she was.

This motivated her to want to sit up. The second she did, it led to her falling backwards, her lungs feeling constricted and depleted of oxygen the harder she kept straining to pull herself up and take in her surroundings.

Other than the room they placed her in, which seemed entirely different than the one she was previously in before, nothing much else had changed.

She was grateful she was at least no longer naked and had been dressed back in her undergarments again, but her wrists and ankles were still bound to the wall with no way of breaking free, chained up like an animal.

Unlike the last dingy room she'd been confined to this place appeared a lot cleaner and had been vastly greater in size.

The were no more dirty floorboards and the cramped incommodious place on the floor which was once her bed had now been replaced with a paper-thin mattress, giving her much more room for her to move around and stretch her legs.

There was a large ceiling fan that hung above her that wasn't there before and there had been another bed in the far corner of the room, from what she could see with tables and chairs stacked around it.

The sound of gunshots and her blanking out unconscious started ruminating through her mind, but now it was quiet and there was no sign of any of the men in the room. She had no idea where Christian, Ryder and other men were or where she was.

This made her wonder if the gunshots being fired off were them shooting at Ryder after he broke free and attempted to save her. If this were the case it meant her only chance of escaping these men had been obliterated and now she was left to fend for herself.

This shook her to her core and sent her into a whirlwind of panic and despair.
Even though she would have loved to have known the man who kept her prisoner in his home for all those months had gotten what he deserved, what would she do now and how would she get out of here alive? He was her only hope and now they had taken that away from her too.

Once the light was switched on, she felt her heart rate accelerating, when she caught a glimpse of the much bigger men from the group sitting in a chair in front of her.

She remembered him as the quiet and reserved one who rarely spoke more than one word other than just nod his head and act like a sycophant the whole time, agreeing to everything Christian told him to do.

He was alone from what she could see and there was no sign of her ex-boyfriend Christian, Ryder or any of the other men, just as she surmised.

He sat there with his legs folded, staring at her as if she were his prey with this nefarious grin on his face that made her skin crawl the second she looked his way.

He had a face that was as hard as nails, with huge, sinewy muscular arms that were folded over his large muscular chest, plastered in cheap prison tattoos.

His beady, cold, dark brown eyes were ogling her body, hungrily from where he sat, eyeing her from head to toe like she was nothing but a piece of meat he couldn't wait to get his hands on.

Not being able to take much more, Aurora tore herself away from his eerie, predatory gaze fixated on her partially nude body spread out before him, imagining what could only be going through his mind right now.

He was wearing a white muscle tee and faded black denim jeans with long stringy black hair that hung just below his shoulders, all slicked back in a ponytail.

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