Chapter Twenty -Eight

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Warning: Explicit content in this chapter. Please proceed with caution.

After hearing their wicked plans and what they intended to do to her Aurora heard a cacophony of screaming and loud gunshots behind the door.

Seconds later, Vinnie and another man Aurora had never seen before came hurtling inside the room, all appearing to be in de-stress over something they had witnessed out there.

Vinnie, was the first to speak up, while the other man just stood outside, attentively watching the door, refusing to come in.

"We got big trouble, boss," he explained to Christian who sat there hunched over Aurora with his arms folded, growing increasingly annoyed by the second. "A whole lot of men just arrived with guns and they look like they ain't leaving anytime soon. Looks like Ryder's not working alone."

"Well, did you get a good look at them?" Christian asked, rolling his eyes.

" It was hard to see their faces in the dark, but there was definitely more than one of them."

Christian let out a dismissive grunt.

"Okay. So what happened then?"

Vinnie didn't answer him at first and instead just stood there looking dumbfounded, with his hands on his hips before shrugging his shoulders as if he didn't know what to tell him.

" So far we dunno who they are, boss. All I know is these fuckers are armed and just arrived here a couple of minutes ago."

Christian stood up fast, kicking the chair beside him over with such brute force that it went flying across the room and hit the wall, causing Aurora to recoil in terror at how explosive his temper was.

"Fuckin', motherfucker!" he raged, throwing his hands up in the air. " I just knew that fuckin' lunatic was going to be trouble. But it's fine. If he wants to play like that, we are just gonna have to up our game that's all."

"But what if it's the cops?" Aurora overheard one of them say anxiously." We didn't come prepared for this, boss and you know it."

Christian scoffed.

"Do you honestly think that psychopath is gonna call the cops on us? A man that's wanted for countless murders, kidnappings and rape? Get real, please. He might be a fuckin' loon, but he's not dumb enough to call the police on himself."

The men started to settle down now as if they felt reassured by his words, but Aurora could see Christian was still on edge by the way he was pacing the floor, struggling to devise a plan.

"I want all of you to go outside and get a better look at who these men are," Christian instructed, pointing at the door as the two men all nodded their heads in
unanimity to what he said. "Don't open fire until I tell you to do so. Not until we know who they are and why they are here."

They were just about to all step out of the door, but Vinnie stopped halfway and faltered for a second.

"You comin' boss?"

Christian shook his head.

"Yeah. I'll be there just now."

He glanced over his shoulder, his eyes only briefly glazing at Aurora but for a second. She could feel a cold lump of dread sitting in the centre of her stomach at the chilling realization that they were going to be alone together.

"I just have some unfinished business, I have to attend to first. Be there in just second."

Vinnie looked at him and pulled his face, but he didn't dare to question him any further as if he knew what he meant and then he disappeared out of the door with the other man.

Wrongfully Claimed Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora