V1 - C2 - P3: Revenance Pt2.

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(INT) means "In Thought" as in thinking.
(MRY) means "Memory" as in remembering something.


Seiji, Eira, and Riku chase after Kade in the forest. Kade grabs a few rocks, attempting to throw them at the trio, but the three eqsily smack the rocks away, undeterred.

Kade vaults over a dead tree, rolls on the ground, and seizes a dead tree branch, aiming to strike Riku. However, Eira intervenes, delivering a dropkick to Kade's stomach, sending him into a tree.

As Eira approaches to attack, Kade swiftly maneuvers behind a tree, causing her sword to get caught. Kade quickly lands two hooks to Eira's face before delivering a punch to her stomach.

Shinoda Seiji:
"Water Magic, Abyssal Grasp!"

Kade's body ensnared in watery tendrils, Riku, Eira, and Seiji rush toward him, unleashing a relentless barrage of punches and kicks. Trapped and overwhelmed, Kade struggles as the blows rain down, his resistance waning against the onslaught.

The System:

Shinoda Seiji(INT):
"He's quickly leveling up!"
"We got to keep this up until he's unconscious!"

Kade groans in pain and manages to break free from the watery entanglement, swiftly retreating. However, he stumbles over a rock, tumbling onto his back. He quickly springs to his feet, narrowly evading Riku's strike as she lunges at him with her katana.

Kade swiftly rises and races away from the trio, sliding underneath a dead tree and cleverly maneuvering through the forest, using the trees as shields to evade their relentless attacks.

The System:

Kade, displaying increased speed, leaps onto a vine and swings around the tree. Seiji, without a moment's pause, receives a dropkick to the face. Kade lands on top, dragging and scraping Seiji's head against the forest floor.

Kade Northwood:
"How does the dirt taste? Brat!"

He scraped his head along the ground, then flung his body into a tree, delivering a powerful front kick to his face that shattered the tree upon impact.

Hagakiri Riku:
"Ethereal Blade Dance..."

Riku, her katana emanating an ethereal glow, swings it with prowess. Kade glances back, only to feel the searing pain of four large slash wounds across his shoulder and chest.

Kade retreated, a pained expression on his face, his eyes fixed on Riku.

Kade Northwood(INT):
"How did she hit me when she wasn't even close?"
"Her ability will be the end of me, so I'll have to go for her first."

Kade charges at Riku, enduring two slashes on his body, and closing in to headbutt her, but Eira intervenes with a punch to his face, sending Kade crashing into a tree, breaking it upon impact.

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