V1 - C6 - P5: Combative Trials.

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(INT) means "In Thought" as in thinking.
(MRY) means "Memory" as in remembering something.


After stepping away from the sparring platform, Mujin briefly notices that the color of his hair has turned black.

Mujin Daeho:
"Damn it! I'll have to hide somewhere else!"

Without hesitation, he swiftly moves to a nearby tree and takes a deep breath to compose himself.

Mujin Daeho:
"Shapeshift, Return."
"Shapeshift, Recrudesce."

As he leaned against the trunk, he exhaled a sigh, allowing thick smoke to billow from his body as he reverted back to Mujins appearance.

Mujin Daeho(INT):
"That was close. I'll have to be more careful–"

Mujin unexpectedly notices Kuro; she was staring at him with a surprised expression on her face.

Mujin Daeho(INT):
"Tch, I just hate people who are too curious."

Before he could even utter a word, Kuro shut him down with a smug smirk, refusing to let him speak.

Mujin Daeho(INT):
"What the hell is she doing–"

Kaimana Kuro:
"Shhh, don't worry, your secret is safe with me."
"I also smoke Guana."

Mujin Daeho:
"U– uh–"

Cut to a classroom with the 3rd year students(same time).

From the second floor of the building, a few third-year students observed the first-year students outside through their windows.

3rd Year Student #1:
"Hey, looks like the first years are taking the Combat Trials."

3rd Year Student #2:
"No sh##? I remember taking those classes two years back."

3rd Year Student #1:
"Yo, Jragun"
"What do you think of the first years?"

At the back of the classroom on a desk, boredly sat a tall and somewhat muscular young dragon-man lounged on a desk. He had dark skin, long black dreadlocks, piercing scarlet reptilian eyes, scales underneath his eyes and prominent fangs. Adorning his ears were black and gold earrings bearing the emblem of a scarlet circular dragon.

Jragun Onyekachi:
"Doesn't matter to me, they're the same as all of us."

His shoulder gets nudged on by a young dog girl with a slight frame. Long, pointed German Shepard ears, mid-length bushy and wavy royal blue hair, big and gold-colored eyes, and noticeably sharp canines. From a neighboring desk.

"Aw, c'mon! There's no need for the same old broody attitude!"
"I think they look cool! Especially that dog-eared red head!"

3rd Year Student #3:
"Hey look! The second duel s'bout to start."

Cut back to the circular sparring platform outside at the field(same time).

Professor Raijiro:
"Haneul Yoon, and Yan Shi!"
"You two will be facing Huo Hao, and Ayumi Tokiko!"

Hao enthusiastically leaped onto the sparring platform, joined by Tokiko, who calmly walked over and stood beside him. After a brief pause, Haneul and Shi also stepped onto the same platform, positioning themselves opposite to Hao and Tokiko, exchanging glances.

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