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Inspired by @OfficialTodoroki

And todoroki if you see this, please comment. I love your work and I really hope you're doing better. Praying for you hon 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.

Nico opened his eyes. Everything in his bedroom was black. It was so much black, too much, even for Nico. But, he had no input on the design, because his father had made the room for him. He stood and looked at the clock. It read 3:00 PM. He had to get ready for his father's party. Why the King of the Underworld was having a party in the middle of a war, Nico didn't understand. Probably to find a suitor for him. Nico had made up his mind about who he wanted to marry. He had seen him before at some of his father's past parties. His name was Will Solace. They had been secretly dating for a while. The problem, though, was that the boy was a child of the Sun, unwillingly a resident of the Sky Kingdom. Currently, the Sky Kingdom was attacking the Sea and Underworld Kingdoms, because King Zeus was power hungry and wanted to rule the whole world. Hades, instead of fighting Zeus's armies himself, was using skeletal armies against his brother, and instead was partying in his palace. Nico sighed at this, and began dressing himself for the party. He chose a black silk button up and black ripped skinny jeans. He heard a knock on the door.
"Go away!" he yelled.
"Ouch, bro." In the doorway stood Hazel, his beautiful sister.
"Oh, I didn't know it was you, Haze. Sorry." Nico went over and joined his sister, who was wearing a bright pink silk dress that hugged her silhouette beautifully, accentuating her curves. Hazel loved color, which was a tiny bit odd for the Princess of the Underworld. She often wore bright colored dresses that she made herself, since her closet was all black like Nico's. Together, the siblings walked to the party.
It wasn't much fun. Nico had to meet all of his "possible suitors". He had no interest in any of them. They were all dark, ghostly, and moody. He preferred happy, bright, lively people. Basically the opposite of himself. He was extremely bored. Suddenly, something exploded into smoke and bright white light. An attack from the Sky Kingdom. Nico felt a gag hastily wrapped around his mouth and felt himself be picked up by his hands and feet and started to be carried away. He kicked and screamed and fought, but the kidnappers hit him on the head with something, and he went limp.

He woke up in a jail cell. A dungeon, perhaps. Nico shook his head, and regretted it immediately. He was still in pain from the bonk on the head, with a heavy ache at the back of his skull. He blinked and looked around. Someone else was in the cell with him. Percy Jackson. Percy gave a small wave.
"Hey. You alright? You've been passed out since they brought you here a couple hours ago," the sea prince said.
"Yeah...I'm fine. Where is 'here', exactly?" Nico asked.
"Apollo's palace. Sky Kingdom attacked both of our Kingdoms. Using us for leverage I guess." Nico's heart skipped. If this was Apollo's palace that means Will has got to be here. He might rescue them. Suddenly, as if on cue, a thud echoed through the hall. The guard who was making sure they didn't leave was laying on the ground, with a certain son of Apollo standing over his body (the guard isn't dead btw, he's just unconscious. Will's not a killer). Nico's heart leaped in his chest.
"Will!" Nico smiled.
"Nico! Are you okay? You were unconscious when they dragged you in here," Will said. He put his hands through the bars and pressed his palms to Nico's cheeks.
"I'm...okay. This is Percy, Poseidon's son." Will and Percy both nodded and smiled to each other respectfully.
"You might want to back up, Sunshine. And both of you close your eyes." Will held the lock in his right hand. After Nico and Percy both closed their eyes, he started to glow. He concentrated his heat to melt the chains. A bright flash of light, and the chain fell to the ground. Will pulled the door open. Nico immediately ran to him and kissed him, holding his face in his hands and standing on his tiptoes to reach Will's face. Will stumbled backward into the wall behind them. He instinctively snaked his arms around Nico's waist.
"Guys? Hate to break up the moment, but that might be a problem." Nico and Will looked to where Percy was pointing. Apollo's army was charging at them.
"Aaand there's our cue to run." Will grabbed Nico's hand and pulled him with him to the exit. Percy uncapped his pen, which turned into his sword, Riptide. Will unsheathed a sword and held it in his right hand, Nico's hand in his left. They continued to run.
"Any boats? I can sail!" Percy yelled to Will.
"Yeah, this way! You'll have to move like hell, though, or they'll catch you." Will led them through the castle to the shore. There, several ships were lined up by a dock. They ran down the dock and Percy ran aboard one of the smaller boats and started to untie it. Nico ran onto the boat, but stopped he felt Will's hand slip out of his.
"Will? We have to go!"
"Someone has to take the blame. Go, Nico!"
"No! I'm not leaving without you, Will! Get your ass on this boat right now!" Nico pulled Will's arm, but Will was stronger than him and didn't budge. Will held Nico's face in his left hand.
"I love you, Nico." He pressed his lips to Nico's. He quickly pulled away and shoved Nico onto the boat that started speeding away. Tears streamed down Nico's face.
"Will! No, gods dammit! I can't lose you again!" Nico yelled over the side.
"I love you, Nico! I'll be okay, Sunshine!" Will called back as he was bound and gagged. Nico sunk to his knees. He sobbed. He couldn't handle seeing the army take Will away.
"Goodbye, Percy." And Nico melted into the shadow of the boat.

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