Chapter 36

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No one's pov:

it's already evening and you're phasing back and forth inside your room because of what you witnessed earlier, you can't get it out in your mind and you're now hesitating to go where Hyunjin wanted you to meet him

"maybe..maybe he will finally end us..isn't it the right thing? I should go, right? right!" talking to yourself infront of the mirror as you fix yourself because you can feel that there might be something going on

for one last time you will see him, then that's it. You wanted to end this year without any connection from him anymore even it's against your will.

Gathering all the energy using your hand and inhaled all of them to relax your mind and your emotions, you actually don't know how can you handle if he's the one who will finally say that you're both going to end this for good. 

You're now heading at the banquet hall, slowly walking because of the nervousness you're feeling just like when you confessed to him your feelings.

I'm not ready

once you reach the room you notice that there are no lights, the room is completely blackout. 

is he making fun of me right now?

a sudden cold breeze meet your back making you shiver once again, but unfortunately you're not afraid of any dark. 

"Hyunjin?" you call out as you started to walk in the dark but still being careful, you can slightly see but not that clear. 

when you almost reach the front you bump into something then the lights suddenly went on, looking around that room is filled with silver and gold lights with candles on the sides.

landing your gaze realizing what's infront of you

"H-hyunjin?" calling out his name when he's standing infront

"your parents? a-and mom? dad?" you're confuse what's happening right now because you're seeing them once again since you thought that it was going to be only you and Hyunjin

"I called both of our parents here" he said looking at your eyes 

"we're already finished our meeting right?"-y/n

Hyunjin didn't respond to you and slowly walk towards you then unexpectedly gets down kneeling infront of you with a smile written on his face 

"y/n" Hyunjin pull out a small box in his pocket 

"what's happening?" you literally doesn't have any idea what he's doing right now, you look at your parents but you can see that they're all actually smiling in what's happening but you just frown due to confusion

"I already talked to both of the families earlier, I got the approval of your parents. I didn't know when and how it happened, it just struck me out of nowhere"-Hyunjin

your eyes are just widen watching and listening to him, your body feeling so heated right now and tingly 

"I intended to clear all the things in our marriage days ago"-Hyunjin

'that closure thing?'

"now, I also finally cleared all the confusion I had in my mind" -Hyunjin

you're just both looking at each other, and Hyunjin slowly open the mini box infront of you exposing a silver diamond ring. You look at everyone at the back to see their reaction then look at Hyunjin again 

LOVE UNTOLD an Arrange Marriage [ Hyunjin x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now