[1] y/n l/n

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<July 18, 2018 - 11:45 am>

"There we go!" I cheered, finishing up the braid that I was making for one of the children here at the preschool. I had a wide smile on my face as I watched the kids play during their lunch break.

Some needed to stay for a bit longer due to their parents or guardians coming in late to pick them up but I didn't mind it. It was fun to have the kids run around and have fun. It gives a warm feeling in my chest to see them happy.

"Thank you!" The little girl gave me a big hug and returned it of course. I watched as she went to her friends and started to play alongside them.

My eyes scanned the environment, but I didn't catch sight of that certain blonde girl. It was a shame that Reina had to go already, it seemed like her friends were rather bummed that she couldn't join their small little event but I guess it was natural.

It was and had always been like that. Reina, despite being such a smart girl for her age, seemed to have a bit of a restriction. And she doesn't seem to realize it.

"That man…" I remembered the way she ran towards that man who came to pick her up. Long violet locks, lavender orbs, tall stature, and a cold exterior.

He had the same eyes as her, but their facial features were beyond alike. He must've been a relative, but I still don't know if he was her father or not.

That man would always come and pick her up. He does allow her to stay a bit longer, but he'd always be on standby for 30 minutes before ushering Reina to go with him, presumably to take her back home.

Occasionally, in those times she stays later, she would seem reluctant at first before agreeing.

Today, she wasn't able to stay later but before she did leave, she asked me to braid her hair. Of course, I complied. I braided her hair, just like how I would braid the hair of a friend of mine before.

I can still remember that teasing smile he'd always have whenever he caught me dazing off when I did his hair, but he'd always appreciate my work. Even if it wasn't the best braid, he'd always praise it.

I looked up to the sky, "I wonder how he is…" Covering my eyes from the sun, I turned my head back down. "Seems like, summer is on its way."

I smiled, summer was a favorite of mine. The summer festivals, the small outings my family would go to, and the fireworks. It was a favorite, but that doesn't mean it didn't have flaws. The cicadas are for sure gonna tear my ears out, especially since we have quite a few trees here at the school.

"I just hope those cicadas won't bother the students during lectures…"


<5:45 pm>

"Miss (mispronounced name)! Good murn-ing!" Reina greeted me, waving over in my direction as she ran towards me. Her chubby cheeks garnered a pink blush on them as she latched herself on me.

I am currently at the supermarket, looking for something that I can cook with for dinner. The school was already closed and every child got home safely.

I kneeled to her level, chuckling a little bit at her small mistake. "Reina-chan, it's good evening. But still, it's nice to see you here. Are you with your parents-?"

"Parent," Someone corrected me.

I turned my head around and I saw a tall man towering over my crouched figure.

I immediately noticed his features: short violet hair with maroon bits, the same lavender eyes as Reina, and almost the same face as her.

I stood up, dusting the pants that I wore. "Ah! You must be Reina's father. I'm sorry I misspoke. I didn't know…" I trailed off, suddenly feeling rather anxious and nervous under his gaze.

I've never really been like this towards anyone even when I was younger. Well, except for him. That sly, cheeky, and charming blonde idiot.

'Which reminds me…,' I glanced back towards the tall man, seeing him pick up Reina in his arms before giving her a loving kiss on her forehead. '…that blonde idiot also had lavender eyes, almost the same as his. If not, identical…'

"Dad! She's Miss (mispronounced name)!" She eagerly pointed at me, the same massive smile that I've come to know ever since she joined our quaint preschool.

The way she can hardly contain her happiness made me smile at her childish behavior.

"Dad, can Miss (mispronounced name) be mah momma?" Her voice held eagerness, excitement, and expectancy.

I smiled at her, my eyes blinking as I tried to process what she just said.

I immediately turned to her father, seeing him smile at her.

"Anything for you, sweetheart." I can hear the strain in his voice as he uttered his words. He didn't like having another parent by Reina's side.

That confused me, doesn't a child need both a father and a mother to survive? It's natural for a kid to have a single parent, but why did he sound so against the notion of her having a second parent?

"Ran Haitani," He stretched out his hand, a forced smile on his face that told me to play along. I glanced towards Reina, seeing a large expectant gaze.

Ran Haitani, my body froze as I realized something.

"…Y/n L/n," I grasped his hand, nervously meeting his lavender gaze.

'I guess, he's already made a family of his own…'

Ran Haitani was that blonde idiot that another idiot like me fell in love with. And now he's standing in front of me, with his one and only child.

His One and Only Child || Ran Haitani Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz