[2] ran haitani

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art: --
if you know any of the artists/cosers that made/did the pictures/drawings that I'm placing, please tell me so I can give proper credit.


<July 18, 2018 - 7:25 pm>

"Here," The lavender-haired man massaged his forehead. A headache soaring through as he handed the woman in front of him a pen and paper. "Just sign here, and everything will be set."

She nervously looked at him, reaching for the papers and the pen. It seemed to be a wedding contract.

"Why are you doing this?" His irritated eyes glared at her, causing her to jump in her seat. Gulping down her nerves, she continued her sentence, "You're obviously against this, so why?"

"I already said it didn't I? I'll give whatever my daughter wants. If she wants a mother, then fine. I'll give her one," He raised from his seat on the leather couch, circling the coffee table distancing both their beings before leaning down in her face. "But don't think you'll get any special treatment like my daughter. Aside from essentials like food, water, and a roof, everything else is done and given by your blood, sweat, and tears. Got it?"

Balls of nerves kept bursting through her being as she tried to scoot away from his scary figure. "You didn't need to spell it out that way, sheesh. I get it."

She was nervous, and anxious to be around him. Ran, unfortunately, didn't care about it though before turning around and heading to the kitchen.

"Hurry up with that, once you're done signing place it in my study." He called out, wearing a pink apron before getting started to make dinner for not only two residents but now three.

"Wait, but what am I going to tell my parents?" She hurried after him, a puzzly frantic look on her face. "I can't just go call them and then just suddenly say that I'm married by contract! They'd think it's absurd!" She reasoned.

"Good heavens above give me patience," He was either whispering very loudly or that was intentional. Either way, she felt offended. "Fine then, tell them something that they'll believe and I'll go have someone arrange a private wedding for us, your family, and some other people. That good with you?"

It was the best solution that he could think of without spending too much money on a woman he didn't even know much about. Yes, his daughter asked for her to be her mother, but nothing about spoiling her like he spoils Reina. So there's no need to squander so much money on a one-time event.

"I-" She sighed, slumping her shoulders before clicking the pen and signing the contract. "Fine, I just hope they don't go crazy once I tell them about..."

She paused, and Ran glanced in her direction. He can see that she was having trouble letting out a certain word so he decided to help her while underneath it, resisting the urge to ridicule her.

"Us," He finished, obviously causing her to flinch at the tone that he used. He was trying to hide the contempt in his voice, but he just couldn't help but let it slip. "Is that what you wanted to say?"

"Yeah, thanks..." She turned around. Her body headed towards the study room that he mentioned on the brief house tour.

His eyes continued to focus on what she was doing, but something in him felt unusual. A bitter aftertaste left his mouth after he said those words and it only intensified as she left the vicinity.

"What in the world..." He shook his head, clicking his tongue before firing his line of sight to a certain laughter.

The amount of speed that he had to reach the living room was something he'd only experienced with adrenaline, and it caused him to have a slight headache.

His eyes widened when he saw how radiant Reina's smile was as she played with Y/n, who also had a smile on her face.

Ran stared at the two females bonding. The view in front of him seemed to replicate a certain scene in his memory. Not a treasured one as anyone would expect, but rather something he'd wish to delete.

He can see a different woman in place of Y/n, a smile on her face but her eyes held deviousness. Unlike how warmth and kindness radiated from the smile and eyes of Y/n, hers was the opposite. Ran couldn't help but glare when he saw her head turn in his direction.

"Ran? Is something wrong? Why are you glaring...?" The woman asked, the smile on her face gave him an uncomfortable feeling.


The sound of Reina's voice snapped him out of the small trance that encased him. Shaking his head before giving off a small but reassuring smile towards Reina.

"It's nothing much, Dad accidentally daydreamed. That's all." He turned around, "I'll go back to the kitchen..."

"What's day-dweam-ed? Momma?"

His body stiffened, he couldn't help the way his teeth ground against each other. The way his body just froze and shook in his place. He recognizes this feeling when he is around that woman.

"Well, it's when someone goes into a place where only you can go into," Y/n tapped Reina's nose, causing a giggle to erupt from her. "It's a world that you make,"

"Can you come into mah wold? Can Dad also come?"

"Most likely," Ran answered, leaning on the back of the sofa.

Y/n looked behind her and immediately caught his eye.

A smile, almost kin to a condescending smirk, on his face as he stared back at her. "Right, momma?"

A light blush formed on her cheeks, "Ahem, yes. Of course, me and Dad will be in your world."

"All three of us,"

'All three of us... '

His One and Only Child || Ran Haitani Where stories live. Discover now