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private messages
criss.cross_ ||chans.lapt0p

Hii Jaeeee
How are you?
Peter texted in the chat
He said you are overworking yourself?
Take a break okay? :(
And don't skip meals

delivered 3:52pm


Saena sighed as she put her phone away. She got off of her lazily made bed and walked to the bathroom, stepping into the shower before taking a long hot bath.

It was almost 4pm and she had work at 5. She works in a small coffee shop a little farther from her university. The cafe is owned by her parents, they aren't rich, they make just enough money they needed and Saena helped them out on the weekends.

Saena moved out when she joined university because she thought she was too old to live with her parents. Plus, they were getting old so she thought they might want some time alone. You know, elderly married parent I guess?

She finished showering and grabbed a pair of black jeans and a white blouse before changing and grabbing her purse. She placed her wallet, phone and other necessities before slipping on her shoes and heading out, locking the apartment door behind her.


The walk was peaceful and she soon arrived to her destination.

Saena entered and greeted the waiters that were already working. Walking behind the counter she walked into the room labelled "EMPLOYEES ONLY" and found her apron. She tied it and began working.

A customer soon arrived and she was quick to serve them. After hours of working her break time eventually arrived.

"Hey boss I'm gonna head on my break" Saena spoke to which her boss nodded. She walked to the front and made herself a drink. Just as she sat down to enjoy her iced americano, a customer arrived.

"Excuse me!"
"I'm talking to you Missy"

Saena finally looked up to see the woman standing on the other side of the counter.

"Oh me?"

"Yes you" the woman rolled her eyes

"I'm on my break" she shrugged and continued scrolling through her Instagram feed.

"Do you work here?"

"Yes but I'm on my break" Saena finally looked up to see the woman already looking angry and rather annoyed

"Okay then I'm ready to order" the woman scoffed. "I'll have-"

"Okay Miss I've already told you I'm on my break, so I won't serve you" Saena snapped

"Okay so you just won't do your job? I'll tell the manager that their employees aren't working. Like you just need to make drinks, is that that hard?" The woman yelled

Saena had enough and went to the back. She searched for the manager before finding her.

"Uhm boss can I maybe go home early? There is this arrogant woman and I don't feel very well. You can take the hours off my paycheck." The manager let her go home and she took her things and left, making sure to glare at the woman before exiting.


I just realised I never gave you a proper character introduction sooooo...
I'll do that now🥲

Username - Name irl
chans.lapt0p - Saena

jisongs_ - Seolya
lee.always.kn0ws - Iris
_https.mxsoo - Miso
meluv.seungmin - Dokyun
only4hyunjinnie - Kylo
criss.cross_ apple.sauce - Jaemin (Chan)

cheesecak3.4life - Peter (Jisung)



Saena - 🇰🇷/🇩🇪 (Germany)
Seolya - 🇰🇷 (Germany)
Iris - 🇬🇧 (Germany)
Miso - 🇰🇷 (South Korea)
Dokyun - 🇰🇷 (South Korea)
Kylo - 🇬🇧/🇩🇪 (Germany)
Jaemin (Chan) - 🇰🇷/🇦🇺 (South Korea)
Peter (Jisung) - 🇰🇷 (South Korea)

That's it
I just wrote 100+ words about them and it took me over 20min

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