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private messages
criss.cross || chans.lapt0p

Hi Channie..

Omg Sae!?
Are you okay?
I'm sorry
I'm so so sorry
Fuck I feel so bad for lying

Chan calm down
And it's okay I forgive you :)

I feel so stupid
I don't deserve an apology

Don't say that...

Aren't you mad at me...?

I mean..
It does hurt
You didn't trust me enough
to tell me your true identity

I know and I'm sorry..
I was just scared you would
open my account to the public
or something like that
But JYP allowed me to tell you
only because I trust you, okay?
I trust you Sae

I understand..
I forgive you :))
But I'm still hurt......

Is there anything I can do
to make you feel better?

Maybe a hug.. :)

Hold on a second

criss.cross_apple.sauce is calling


"Hey" Chan greeted as a panicked Saena accepted the call. She was still in utter shock and disbelief that her ultimate idol appeared on her screen. Not a music video, not a fan call, not an interview or an skz-code episode, but a video call. A video call with just the two of them, no fans, no cameras, no nothing.

"H-hi.." She stuttered

"God you're beautiful.." he stared in awe as Saena hid her face in her sweater sleeves.

"Shut up.." she mumbled making the older male chuckle

"So how are you? Again I'm really sorry-"

"Chan i already told you it's fine. you had your reasons and I completely understand. And to answer your question... I'm okay? I guess" she answered uncertainly. "Kylo hasn't talked to me in days and I'm worried. I went to his house but he didn't open the door. I guess he's just really hurt... He really loves Jisung."

"Hey listen.. Jisung loves Kylo a lot as well and I'm sure he would do anything to save their relationship- even tho they arent dating but you get the point!" Saena chuckled at that. "And Jisung isn't doing that well either... He's sick and is skipping practises because of that.." Chan sighed

"I hope he will be fine soon... They are such a cute couple"

"Cuter than us?" Chan joked which made Saena choke on air.

"What?!" She yelled and Chan burst into laughter

"I'm joking I'm joking"

"Good." They smiled at each other. "Chan I'm sorry but I have to go, I have work soon and you," she pointed a finger at her screen "need sleep. It's past midnight in Korea!" She said sternly

"Okay okay I'm going to bed.. just text me when you wake up okay?"

"Yea yea now go to bed!"

"Okay mom. Wait I didn't give you a hug!" He said before hugging the camera, Saena doing the same. "Okay now I'm going to bed.. goodnight!"

"Goodnight!" They smiled and waved before ending the call. She squealed and fangirled for a minute before getting ready for work.


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