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Ryan ☝️

Lilly Russo pov

I yawn walking up. I look at the unfamiliar room, then I remember I'm in Bella's house.

I look around to see Ryan up.

He's reading

"What about me reading book finds you confused?" Ryan says as my eyes widen.

I said that loud.

"I - I mean - I don't or I didn't see you as a person to read." I says as he chulckes.

"Me either but I find them...funny and cool." He says as I giggle. I walk towards him and sit down next to him.

"How many sibbilings do you have?" Ryan questions me as he lays down the book on a wooden small brown table.

"I have none. You?" I say.

"A little sister, she can sometimes be annoying." He says as I smile.

"I've always wanted a sibbilings. Maybe a big brother to protect me, or a little inoccent brother or sister to protect." I say smiling.

"What's your sisters name?" I questioned.

"She's four, her name is Josie." He says as I nod.

"Pretty name."

"Why a big brother if you have gaurds?" He questions.

"The guards are cold and strict. They don't speak to me. A brother, he'd play and speak to me." I say as he nods.

"Today I'll bring my sister, we could all hang out." He says as my eyes lit up with excitement.

He laughs watching me.

"Well, what it like to have a perfect family?" He ask me as he smirks. He's mocking me.

I may be naive. Look stupid, acts stupid but I sure do know lots of stuff.

"Rich people and families aren't always perfect Ryan. They have secrets many. Cheating abusive, stealing, and they'll get money hungry, they're others I can name." I say smiling.

"Anyways! Tell me more about your sister! What's her favorite color?" I say smiling.

He chuckles.

"Her favorite color is Pink." He says as I gasp covering my mouth.

"Me too!" I whisper shout.

"Favorite animal?"

"Unicorns." He says as my eyes widen.

"Pet house?" I ask.

"Dogs." He says, I frown.

"I like cats better." I say as he laughs.

"I'm joking she likes cats." He says as I frown.

"The white ones?" I questioned he nods smiling as I giggle.

"Come, let's make breakfast so when they wake up." He says getting up I follow him towards the kitchen.

I sigh we finally finshed making.

By then they come in.

"Woah!" They says sitting down and starts eating.

"Ah you guys can come at my house today." I say as Luca cheers.

"I have a play room for little kids since you'll probably bring your sister." I say towards Ryan he nods.

After eating I say byes and give them my address. I then walk home.

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