Chapter 1: Awakening

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"Yuji.."  Yuji Itadori glanced at his grandfather tilting his head in confusion while he kept on fixing the flowers he brought that day, "Hm?" "You're a strong kid, so help others. Even if its only those closest to you, just save the people you can. Its ok if you lose your way and dont worry about whether they'll thank you or not. When you die, you should be surrounded by people Dont end up like me." The old man said as he turned away from his grandson. "Gramps what are you babbling on about?" Yuji questioned waiting for a reply but it never came.

The teenager sighed tiredly as he finished signing the rest of the paper work given to him buy the hospital, "Well call you to come get your grandfathers ashes." Said the nurse who was looking after the boys last family member, with a nod Yuji was ready to go when the nurse stopped him. "Sorry but can you wait a moment." The nurse called out catching the teens interest, "During his last days your grandfather wrote and arranged that these were given to you after his passing." The nurse handed Yuji a folder with the boys name on it and a notebook. He thanked the girl and walked out of the hospital only stopping to sit down on a bench in a nearby park. With a shaky breath Yuji opened the envelop and read the letter inside,

Dear Yuji

If youre reading this, it means that Im long dead. In this letter I wanted to explain a few things that I couldnt discuss with you in the hospital were there are a lot of ears. The world isnt as it seems, in this world there are things called curses which are created from peoples negative emotions. Because of these beings over 10 000 people go missing every year most likely being dead. The reason I know this is because 100 of years ago the Itadori family used to be a small clan of Jujutsu sorcerers, these are people who fight curses and exorcises them to protect the public. Because of how dangerous this job was our family drifted away from it and became normal citizens. The reason I'm telling you this is because you have potential of becoming a Jujutsu sorcerer given by your inhuman strength, at the moment Im sure that your cursed energy is still dormant but I'm sure in due time you will awaken it and when that happens you will need a cursed technique to fend off curses with. Thats why I wrote down a cursed technique that was told to me by my grandfather a long time ago, I hope it helps you going forward.

Make sure to not waste your life like me
Your Grandpa Wasake Itadori

Yuji looked down at the letter in a mixture of shock, confusion, interest and sadness, he took a moment to look up at the sky to digest the information. He wondered if what was written was true or not but knowing his grandparent he leaned more on the former. If that was the case, he wondered why no one knew about these curses and the type of disaster they could bring but thinking more into the matter it made sense as to why it was kept quiet. Sighing Yuji pocketed the letter then opened the notebook and started reading, the first few pages talked more about cursed energy and curses, explaining their concepts and how they worked. Though confusing to the boy, he understood the important things and flipped to the next page which held his familys cursed technique.

Gradation air (Tracing)

This is a technique involving the materialization of objects, in accordance to the users imagination, through the use of cursed energy. Gradation comes from the fact that the created object slowly fades away after being created, and Air is an allusion to the fact that said object is made out of "nothing". This technique is similar to Construction but unlike it the objects you create have a time limit while as Constructions does not. In normal practice the technique is considered useless but a way was found which can make it a strong and reliable technique.

Tracing is the advanced version of Gradation air in which not only does it reproduce the shape and substance of an object, but also its entire history as well. Objects created with tracing are slightly inferior to the originals due to the fact that only so much information can be gathered by sight alone and the unique ability of the object is slightly inferior to the originals. The condition set for the technique to work is that the object must be seen directly by the user in order for them to make a copy of it hence an object cannot be copied through blueprints and such.

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