Chapter 3: Realisation

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"I have to admit, you're getting better faster than expected." Maki said tossing a bottle of water to an exhausted Yuji, "Thanks senpai, I have a great teacher." He replied making the girl smirk, "Damn right you do." The second year sat down next to her junior and took off her glasses, placing them on the side. Yuji looked at the girl in interest, "Don't you need them to see?" he asked making her glance at the eye wear, "Nah, I can see perfectly fine." This only confused the boy more, "Unlike most sorcerers I cant see curses normally so I need these curse imbued glasses to help me see them." Maki explained picking the object up.

Yuji after nodding, he looked at his senior intensely rubbing his chin thinking, getting annoyed she hit the boy on top of his head, "Why are you staring like a creep?" she asked ready to hit him again. The boy protected his head and move back explaining himself, "I just thought that you looked cute without them on. I-I'm not trying to saying you don't look cute with them on but-" he was cut off and Maki kicked him away with a blush on her face. "Idiot." She muttered as she walked away leaving the boy to wonder on what he did. Sighing, Yuji made his way back to his dorm room where he flopped down on his bed and grabbed his notebook opening it to a new segment about cursed energy.

Reversed cursed technique

This is the process of converting negative cursed energy positive cursed energy. While negative cursed energy flows from the stomach, positive energy is directed from the user's brain. Therefore, an effective countermeasure for reverse cursed technique users is to destroy their head with an attack without giving them a chance to recover. Negative energy that destroys becomes positive energy that creates hence why it is most commonly used to heal a person.

"This makes no sense." Yuji muttered in defeat and skipped over it to read something else when he heard a knock on his door before Megumi walked in, "Put on your uniform, we have a mission." He said to his peer who nodded and quickly changed before they met up with Nobara. With haste the three were sent out to Eishuu Reform School, where the was a sighting of a cursed womb. "Why are we going instead of Gojo sensei?" Nobara asked Megumi who explained that the higher up had sent him on another mission and there were no other sorcerers aside from them to take care of it.

After arriving they were briefed on their mission which were to investigate the disappearance of three people after the sighting of the womb. Yuji walked in the building a bit shaken thanks to the protests of a mother outside, who was looking for her son but he pulled himself together after some words from Megumi. Once inside Megumi realized that they had entered an incomplete domain after he saw that the door, they came through was not there anymore. He then summoned one of his shikigami dogs to find the missing people and to warn them if any curse was coming at them.

The group continued to walk deeper until they found the mangled bodies of three inmates which were the people they were looking for. Yuji saw one of the inmates name tags and noticed that it was the son the mother from outside was looking for, "Lets take them outside." He told the others going to grab the corpse but he was stopped by Megumi who looked at him sternly. He gave a grounded explanation as to why they couldn't do it which made Yuji want to argue but he bites his tongue and nods in understanding. "Ok lets-" Nobara was cut off as a puddle formed under her and sucked her down through the floor.

"Nobara?.." Yuji looked at the spot the girl was standing on in confusion while Megumis breath caught in his throat, "No way, my shikigami should have sensed the curse!" he thought as he looked around spotting his dog stuck in a wall, dead. "Yuji, were running!" Megumi started but before he could say more, both boys froze as they could see the curse standing next to them by the corner of their eyes. "There's no mistaking it.. Its a special grade curse." He tried his best to move but his body wouldn't allow him to. Yuji had a flash back of his grandfather as he bite his lip hard drawing blood before gathering his cursed energy, "Trace.." before he could finish his incarnation he was punched straight into a wall by the curse.

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