Green Destiny

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(In Ninjago, the Sons of Garmadon are attacking Lloyd, Nya, Coral, and Dareth.)

Nya: Get us out of here, Dareth!

Dareth: (Trying to throw a biker off his back.) I don't exactly have a free hand at the moment.

Izzy: Well we don't either! (Smacks a biker's hand with her tail.) 

Coral: None of us do! 

Lloyd: Just keep swinging!

(Just then a vortex opens. Everyone gasps, looking up to see five dragons flying out with the ninja, Amethyst, and Wu.)

Wu: Break away! (They dodge the Colosuss's fist and look at the ruins.) 

Cole: Our city!

Jay: What's left of it.

Kai: Let's just hope our friends are okay. (Earpiece beeps.)

Nya: You're coming in loud and clear, brother.

Jay: Nya?! Oh, you're alright.

Nya: Oh... I don't know about that, but we could use a little help.

Zane: I've located their transmission.

Wu: Lead the way. (Zane leads the way, freezing most of the SoG members.)

Dareth: The ninja are back!

Nya: And with very large dragons. (The rest of the SoG gang run away, screaming, while Kai, Jay, and Cole's dragons scare them off.)

Lloyd: (Laughing.) We did it! We held out! (Firstbourne lands. Wu and Amethyst backflip on to the ground.)

Coral: (With tears in her eyes.) Mom? 

Amethyst: Yes sweetheart. It's me. 

(Coral runs up to her and tightly and quickly wraps her arms around her, letting her tears fall. Amethyst does the same. Lloyd and Nya smile at their reunion, then see a young Wu.) 

Nya: Is that?

Lloyd: Master Wu?

Wu: When I was an old man, I was wise to avoid a fight. But today, I'm not an old man. (The ninja's dragons land.)

Nya: Yeah!

Lloyd, Nya, Kai, Jay, Zane, and Cole: (They run up to each other, screaming with joy.) Yeah! Alright!

Cole: Oh, look at us! The gang is back!

Zane: But where are P.I.X.A.L. and Misako?

Lloyd: Locked away in Kryptarium. (Dareth brings in a dazed Skylor.)

Kai: Skylor! (He runs up to her.) What happened?

Nya: She tapped into Garmadon's power. It was too much for her to bear.

Lloyd: But I think we can save her, if we stop my father.

Wu: Has your power returned?

Lloyd: No, but Mystake taught me power isn't what makes the Green Ninja. It's the person behind the power.

Wu: She's no longer with us, is she?

Dareth: You know, we wouldn't be here without that crazy, little woman. (The Colossus roars.) In honor of her, I recommend we drop old-school and kick butt! 

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